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myOtaku.com: SuzakusNoMiko

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Quick Randomness
I'm not gonna say too much, so here it is. I had basketball on Tuesday which was fun, we played two on two since there were only three of us on the team there, and I was on the assistant coach's team, which is always fun because he never misses his shots. And we killed our star foward and star guard! It was so much fun!

Yesterday was the first day with Volleyball. Our coach is crazy! 5 hours of conditioning... at night... AT DINNER TIME!!! My body hurts so much, I didn't know it was supposed to hurt so much!!! My arms hurt, my shoulders hurt, my thighs, my but, my neck, and my feet all hurt. So, I've been limping around the house all day. And I have to go through it all again next Wed.!!!!! Save me!!!!!

And today I was supposed to have basketball, but I'm in too much pain to do anything at all!!!

And not only that but my mom's torturing me by making me go to get our puppy's shots with her. If sitting at a vet's wasn't painful enough, imagine doing it when it hurts to even type!!!!!

I've started too many paragraphs with 'And.' but anyways, I get to see Wicked on Sunday, which I really can't wait for. This will be one of the highlight plays of my summer. In August my mom and I are planning to go to New York and see the Color Purple and Rent on Broadway, so that'll be fun. My first trip to New York since I was in the womb (My mom went while she was pregnant with me) and I get to see two Broadway shows. For a musical lover this is the highlight of my life. Now if only there were an anime convention that same week, then my trip would be complete.

And to top it all off, next week for the 4th of July we are going to Detroit. If Detroit isn't boring enough, try going there with a family that just can't avoid getting into a fight. I mean, at Christmas my Grandma accused my brother of stealing her necklace, stole it from him and left the house. It was funny until my brother started crying. And he was 23 then.

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