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myOtaku.com: Summoner Rekka

Friday, September 30, 2005

   Ohmn..... Ohmn... Sum-yung-fun-gai, Han Solo [

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Sunny and dry!
High: 90s*F
Winds:Nice breeze

I've cooled off since yesterday...

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Today was pretty easy. Not a lot of hecticness going on today.

School didn't really happen yesterday. It was math. I got the notes I missed for the other day, so I'm good to go. I don't know what I made on the first test. I don't wanna know... Image hosted by Photobucket.com

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I finally got all my tests and immunities and paperwork in hand and ready to take to class on Monday night!

Yeah, it took a long time to get it all together. Plus dealing with people that don't give clear directions or people that shouldn't be even working there didn't help, but I managed to get it done. I did most of it on the 15th and I came home ready to just cry. It was sooo stressful! I've never been that stressed out before except when I had my surgery and that was a physiological thing. This was just emotion and rage kinda. I played so Zelda and made Link fall into a hole about 80 times. Poor Link...Image hosted by Photobucket.com I love you, Link! Lol!

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Repost from last one FYI!!!

"It's getting harder to keep track of everyone's posts, especially when I have too much to do! Plus whenever I do comment on their sites, they rarely comment back and more than "Kool site. Ur site Rul3zzz. Come sign my GB and I'll sign urs..." WTF?! TALK NORMAL YOU WEIRDOS!Image hosted by Photobucket.com Sorry... Got a little annoyed there. I hate web talk. Ick. But back to the other thing, I'm going to be DELETING people from the friends list next month. You know the people that RARELY update or even come by and visit! I've been soooo busy, so I know I sound like a hypocrite, but after 6 months and there's no activity? Laters! I'm just trying to do some "spring cleaning" in the fall. I've been in a cleaning mode and my room is starting to bug me with all the chaotic clutter around here, so I've been meaning to "edit" my friends' list for quite a while now. The ones that visit FREQUENTLY, are safe [you know who you are ^ ^], so they can rest easy, the rest of you... I'll try and visit more so you guys will want to visit me. I hope I won't have to delete ALL of you!!! I love everyone here! ^/////^"

End repost

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Vote for your "Bishie of the Month"

Here they are!:

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Sanosuke Sagara

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Kenshin Himura

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Aoshi Shinomori

All three candidates are from the anime "Rurouni Kenshin"!

So take your pick and choose carefully!

So glad that it's Friday and the weekend is here! ^ ^ See you!

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