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myOtaku.com: suichiro8705

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Hey guys i know long time no post. My life just hasnt been so eventful lately so thats why. Well now i have some things to post about. About 2 weeks ago i heard a rumor about some one i knew hung himself and i didnt believe it until i saw them decorating a parking lot for him. I felt a little down about it cuz i never really talked to him and all but he did sorta have an attitude. He seemed cool and stuff just a little too wild for me... Another thing that has happened me is recently my drill team went to Washington DC to compete in the national drill meet. We came out 3rd in the nation -dances around-. The trip to Washington DC and back sucks though. 12hr ride there and another 12hrs back @_@. oh whats worse is are mode of transportation. Our school is SO cheap that we had travel on a school bus. Most uncomfortable trip for me EVER lol. Well i believe thats it for me. just posting to let you im alive and stuff. ._.

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