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myOtaku.com: StormofSerenity

Friday, May 6, 2005

   Later Today...
Hmh, remember a while back I told ya'll about that kid in my math class. x_x; Yeah..? You say. {Probably not but listen anyways!} He's scaring me again.. Today, I saw him in the hall before 6th period and he blew a kiss at me and said "You know you want it" o_O'' Then in math class, we had a quiz and I was going up to ask the teacher a question and he was in the way so I pushed his shoulder and he turned around and flicked his pencil at me and it hit my breast and made a line on my shirt.. WHITE SHIRT! Later in class, after everyone was done, I was walking around and went and sat on the other side of the room to talk to my friend, Heather. He sits right in front of her and he kept putting his hand on my knee and stuff and I said something, I think I insulted him or something and goes out of the blue "I love you too" >_< I was like.. "Err, right" The whole time we were sitting there he kept cracking perverted jokes while being casual about it. Then when leaving class, he pushed me from behind and walked off, so I ran up and pushed him back. {He almost ran into someone ^^v!} Then he pushed me into the wall so I threw a piece of my cookie at him. o.o.. He also kicked me in the ass on the way out the door. It's really starting to freak me out.

OH! And also, he was telling me to go away and stuff and I was like "No, it's darker over here." And Heather said "Yeah she likes the darkness" Then he went, "Oh, I see, she likes black men." And he's kinda.. a mix... and... u_u!! Grrr

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