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myOtaku.com: Spike bebop

Monday, December 20, 2004

stupid fun/ what BG for january
here a stupid joke that im makeing up as i go along,

You know your the computer to much when:

1) your rewrite-ing something, and you start looking for the copy & paste button. ( im gulity of the this)

2) your mailing address is in HTML

3)For vacation you make a new web page

4)the word "nerd" dosnt bother you anymore

5)Free time means- yahoo chat room

6)all your clothing has images that you made from a computer program

7)You computer is broke you walk,bike,jog etc. to the nearist public computer

8)your theapist needs therapy.
( i know mine dose^_^ )

9) you understand what im talking aboat

What BG should I use top, middle or bottom?

Parting words:

Do it for love, because its harder to sell that you think- Gary Panter
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