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myOtaku.com: spellcaster94

Friday, March 9, 2007

I'm sick with a pnumoneaia type thing!! I'm on this lung stimulator thing and GOD IT TASTES DISGUSTING!!! (its pills, not a machine or anything.)

anyway, I was wondering how all of YOU are doing? so... I'm going to post a new chapter for you all to enjoy! and... read.....

okay? RECAP: well, as you know, Jordan is at Safor's house, and heres what you may not know: At the temple of the stone, saryidons attacked and sucked out the soul of one of the monks, and the great stone disappered.


Eight: The second Weapon
"Are you sure? You're sure his soul was sucked out?" asked Nathan nervously.
Jerome nodded. "There is a special life force around people, kind of like electricity, which tells if you have a soul or not."
"So if you loose your soul, your dead?" asked Craig.
Jerome's face was grim, "Oh no. Only you wish. When your soul is sucked out by a Saryidon, then you become part of the Saryidon and it becomes whole."
"Then why is there a burial in order?" asked Nathan.
"Only in his honor. We must all do this for any monk who dies. Sorry, but even though you proved very brave towards us, by saving our lives, you cannot be a part of this ceremony. Strict religious rules established by the Ruler himself. "
Nathan nodded, "We understand. Now, about that portal...
"Here it is. The portal I promised you."
Nathan, Craig, and Jerome were in something similar to an underground garage. Jerome was showing Craig and Nathan the section’s central portal, which was merely something that looked like waves of heat emitting from the ground. Nathan looked at it for a moment. He then asked:
"Um… when can we go? We just need to get into it and leave, right?"
Jerome nodded, "You can leave now. Besides, the burials for a monk takes five to six weeks. What would you do during that time?"
He pushed them in.
Suddenly there was a blinding flash and the two boys were in the air over the ground. They hovered for a split second then gravity took over and they both fell all the way to the ground. The fall wasn't fatal, but it was enough to make the two passengers fall unconcious.
Craig woke up first. He himself was surprised he did wake up. He thought, no, he was sure, that he would be dead. The first thing he noticed the smell. Then he noticed the gleaming object in front of his forehead. He sat up. He looked at the object. It was yellow, round, glassy, and glowed slightly. Craig knew what it was immediately. The Stone.
How had it gotten here?
Craig reached out and picked up the stone. He noticed that the stone, was actually a necklace of some sort. There was a string that was tied to, he was sure, a key handle. Craig looked around. Nathan was lying on his back next to him, groaning. Craig stood up and walked over to him. He was okay. A bruise under his nose, but nonetheless, unharmed.
Craig looked around some more and saw something really weird. There was a fire.
"What the heck…?" said Craig aloud.
"Oh good! Your awake!" said a voice behind him.
Craig whirled around "Who's there?" he demanded.
A young boy, about eleven, appeared from behind the central portal. He had blonde hair, was a little short, and was holding a short, stubby staff that was made of wood. He bowed politely.
"Daniel Shanks at your service! Although you can call me Danny. I healed you so you wouldn’t wake up with broken ribs," he said.
Then he eyed the necklace Craig was wearing. "What've you got there? You weren't wearing it when you fell."
"Truth be told, I don't know. It was a stone that was in this temple in my Section but it disappeared. I just found it now," said Craig.
"Oh. How's your friend there? He wasn't doing to good when I found him. Had to do a bunch of healing charms on him."
"He's fine, he has a bruise on his nose and I believe a couple more, but that's it."
They sat in silence for a while, Craig walked over to the fire to warm up his hands, and Danny poked around for some logs to add on to it. Finally, Craig broke the silence.
"So, where am I? I was on the Empire's Sections, Tamar, but now I' not so sure."
Danny looked up from picking at some twigs, "Your on Queen Isadora's Section, Saforte. In fact, the Section was named after the great wizard, and my master, Safor. I'm his apprentice," he said.
They sat in some more silence. The fire crackled and popped and Danny practiced his magic for a while after he got bored.
"FIRE!" he shouted. A small fireball, about the size of a golfball, fluttered out from the tip of the staff. It flew quickly towards a tree, when it made contact, it made a small sizzeling sound and went out.
"Damn,” he muttered, “that was a small one.”
He turned to Craig, "Sometimes randomly, my power goes up pretty high and one time I even got enough power that it burnt down a tree- and Safors hut. But we fixed the hut using a healing spell. Seems it works for objects as well as people."
He tried again, only this time he used an spell. "FIRANCOTITA!"
A huge fireball, this one as big as him, went sailing out of his staff. It went out towards the tree, but then began to dip. It hit a rock and ricocheted back, straight at Craig! Although Craig knew it was no help, he held up his hands for protection, along the way, it snagged his necklace. The necklace burned extremely hot and glowed white as it grew bigger, eventually the heat died down and instead of a necklace in his hands, there was a shield. The fireball bounced off the shield, hit the ground and sizzled out. Next to him, Danny was suddenly struck with a powerful bolt of lightning. He shook as the electricity went through him. His hair stood on end and his clothes were singed, but he was okay.
"What… the hell… was that?!" exclaimed Danny.
"I have no idea. I put my hands out to attempt to block the fireball and my hands caught the necklace. The next thing I know the whole thing turns into this shield and it thankfully blocks the fireball, but then you get hit with a bolt of lightning! What the hell is going on?!"
"Huh? What? What happened?" said a voice behind them.
Craig and Danny turned around. Nathan was sitting up and rubbing his eyes. He had just woken up. He looked worse now that he was awake. He had a black eye, a swollen, bruised nose, and scratches all over his face.
"Hey, what's with the shield? And what's with the kid?"
"Um… maybe I'd better tell you at Safor's house. Come on. Can you walk?" said Danny.
"I think so…"
Nathan tried to stand up and wobbled a bit.
"Whoah… whoah!" and then he fell over.
"Come on, you can use this brach I was going to use in the fire."
And they set off to find the house of the master of scorcery.
Meanwhile, back at Safor's house, Jordan and Safor were sitting in Safor's patio discussing magic.
"So… me being a kid and getting the staff isn't a mistake? Not even if I was supposed to get in when I'm older?"
"Nope. There are no mistakes in life. Everything happens for a reason."
"Oh… Safor? Can you tell the future?"
Safor shook his head, "No. I cannot. But I can make predictions. And they usually are right. Like, I am supposed to get three visitors today. You're one, there are two more that will be arriving soon."
Suddenly there was a bright flash and two boys hovered above the trees for a minute, then came crashing down about one third of a mile away.
"Ah!" said Safor as if the two boys were his friends, "Here they are now."
Danny, Nathan, and Craig were trudging towards Safor's house. Nathan was limping, actually, but Nathan and Craig were trudging.
"Hey,Danny?" asked Craig, "Do you think Safor knows that we're here?"
Danny snorted, "By the looks of that crash? I think half the kingdom knows you're here."
"Kingdom?" asked Nathan with interest, "You mean like with a king and queen?"
"Well, there used to be a king and queen," said Danny, "but now we just live under the rule of Emperor Scieth, of the Empire, though the king and queen still have some power, the Empire makes most of the rules."
"The Empire?" said Craig with disgust, "So they took over this Section too?"
Danny nodded solemly, "Yes. Took it over about five years ago, though they kept it subtle."
"My Sections was taken over about twelve years ago when I was two years old. They killed my father," Craig shuddered, "I've hated them ever since. My goal is to destroy the Empire once and for all."
"That's a big goal," grunted Nathan.
"Here we are!" said Danny.
Indeed they were. They were in a small clearing where there were two people talking on a patio. One was old, one was young.
"Hey! Safor! We need your help over here!"
The old man stood up and walked over.
"What seems to be the problem?" he asked. He had a soft, soothing and deep voice.
"Nathan here got pretty banged up when they crashed. He's okay for now but I think he has a broken leg," said Danny.
"Let me take a look," said Safor.
He bent down and put his hand on Nathan's leg. Nathan winced. A green glow emitted from Safors fingers as he inspected the leg.
"He's gotten his leg broken in four places. I can fix him up nicely."
Safor put his hand on Nathan's forehead and a blue liquid like strand went down his harm and into Nathan's forehead. Nathan shivered as his cuts and bruises fixed themselves. It was a very odd feeling, like someone sewing your face together. His leg started to shake violently as his bones healed themselves. In a matter of seconds, Nathan was cured.
"There. Good as new!" exclaimed Safor. Then he saw Craig's shield that he's been holding.
"Aaahhh. So you are the shield bearer."


so, hope you liked it! The action starts to pick up a bit later. ^^_^^

I just hope I get better soon!

and now a random video that I made! Look for your name, it MAAAAAY be in there. ;)

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