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myOtaku.com: sora kairi 4ever

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

   I had the worst day ever...
as you can tell from my title i did not have a good day...well...it's more between okay and miserable...


Science-we finally finished the bone project and have started the muscular system...all we did today was do a worksheet and have a 2 question quiz...

Spanish-had a pop quiz which i failed...at least she didn't enter the grade...

English-now here's where my day just went completely wrong...one, even though it was snowing very hard, they made us stay in school...two, i have an 5 paragraph essay due on monday along with a speech we never discussed in class...and finally, Sam actually did all that...now...who wants to try to be me for a day...

Algebra-meh...didn't pay attention...too depressed...

P.E.-had to practice layups...i think that's how you spell them...and every time i missed i said "Yea! I suck!" while throwing my arms up...then of course a really annoying girl comes up and says "Why are you cheering? You know you've missed every shot so far." i did all could to stop myself from punching her...

Social Studies-it has finally happened...a sub for the sub...our real sub got sick so we got a sub for the sub...we just watched a random movie...i could tell which one because of the loud screams and annoying voices of all the other people...

The Class That Should Have Never Been-well...we have a competition coming up and we might not go because we are tone deaf people...yea!

well...besides breaking my glasses and wanting to kill people, i had an excellent day...

in ToS, i'm finally to the Temple of Lightning!
*throws confetti and hands out marshmallows...i'm out of cookies so deal with it...*

have a better day than i did^^

~sora kairi 4ever~

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