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myOtaku.com: son goku fan

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Thursday, August 31, 2006

Anyway, someone was supposed to, um train me to wash windows for new houses on tuesday. (yes, wash windows...) They never showed up at the house we'd be using, nor did they call to say anything, nor could anyone get ahold of them 0_o;
Oh well ^_^

Working on a picture of Van. You'll be able to tell what mood I was in XP I wish he were real...but also glad he's not... okitamibuwolf knows what I mean ^_^;

Also am working on a new character that I think will compliment the other three...drastically. Less energetic and super-serious. Therefore, he's hilarious XD He has long hair too... O.O~

...*points* Stuff...*wanders off*

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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

That background is cursed. I swear. -_-;

I tried to work on it and got a migraine. I think it would be best for everyone if I just work on something else... ^^;

Sorry for posting my problems, all. ^^;;

Now, off to do...some more...stuff...0_o;

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Monday, August 28, 2006

Things are better...
Went to the beach with friends. I'm not too upset anymore. I had a chance to think about what was going on in their lives (plus they were in a better mood today...)and decided I can't stay upset. ^^

I'll have time tomorrow to work on stuff. Might be getting a job soon, so will try to cram in as much as I can ^_^

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Sunday, August 27, 2006

:'( Today was horrible...
I don't even wanna go into details... But since i doubt they'll visit this site, I can say that I saw the person who is close to me today... I just finished crying a little while ago, but I'm definatly not done. I was looking forward to seeing them again, but they didn't seem to miss me at all... In fact, I feel they could've cared less about whether or not they ever saw me again.

I was at their house all day, so... No go on art stuff. I worked on one while they were with their friends, but otherwise nothin.

However, I DID scan this in. It's perfect 'cuz my nickname is Goku and theirs is Gojyo. By the time I left their house, THIS is what I felt like doing:

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Saturday, August 26, 2006

Nothing is getting done cuz I have chores...

I couldn't get on the computer till I did dishes and crushed some more cans. Plus we go to my grandmas every friday night, so...yeah. But I was able to draw a picture. I'll see what I can do tomorrow ^_^

Just as self-observation, I seem to like long hair. O.O~

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Friday, August 25, 2006

I've been kinda sickly all day. Sleep will cure it. Probably.

Had no drive to so much as draw a dot, so didn't finish the background yet >.< I hope to have that finished tomorrow

Until next time then ^_^

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Thursday, August 24, 2006

   Content with how things are...
now. XP

Pretty happy cuz I finally heard from someone close to me. It means they're NOT ignoring me ^_^

Working on a background. It be kewli. I have uncreativly titled it 'Demon & Angel'. Considering making the couple in it actual characters... Will, um, TRY to have it done tomorrow ^_^

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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Now to sleep ^_^

Here is a slightly better version of the comic: http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d24/son_goku_fan/f490bc8e.jpg
And yes Ace, I do plan on coloring it ^_^

I made a new avetar for myself. Granted, it was a sloppy drawing... but that was the point. The expression I was thinking of was "ooooookkaaaaayyy. . ." or just too tired to register whatever is going on. Or both XD

Anyway, off to do... stuff... 0_o;

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Monday, August 21, 2006

I tried to post last night, I swear. Every night around 11 the o won't let me on :S

Oh well, the point is I can finally post it. Only problem is, I'm still learning Manga Studio so I apologize if its kinda... blurry T.T I will get this friggin program figured out soon >.<

Also, I posted a wallpaper. My sanzo obsessed friend liked it lots, so I posted it ^_^

Now then, I must go... fix... stuff... that needs fixing... -_-;

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Sunday, August 20, 2006

   The comic...NOOOO! My immaculate collection...
Half kidding... >.>

The o wasn't working last night so I couldn't post it. I'm on right now so I can check my e-mails n stuff and assure everyone I'm alive. Will post it sometime tonight if I can ^_^

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