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Thursday, December 4, 2003

   For Rusty': A Tale of Torn-out Teeth, Part 2 . . .

Again, be warned, this could get juicy . . . . . anyone vomits, I'm sorry . . .

So the sewn-over gum bits from my uppers were pretty much completely healed. There was new gum where there was not gum before, seeing as they had to stitch the old bits together to close up the lost space. Well, in any case, it was time to get the bottoms out, which were WAY down in the jaw! Time to get out the oral surgeon!

I remember the consultation I had with the oral surgeon weeks prior. He kept talking about simple things like school, life in general . . . he was trying to set up a comfort between us, since we didn't meet regularly like with my dentist. In any case, the point to this part of the story was that he glossed over how he wanted to use local anaasthesia (ie. freezing). I asked about that, so he answered, "oh, you want to be put to sleep?" I said, "well, what's easier?" He said, "local's easier and cheaper. Plus, you get to tell your friends you were awake for all of it!"

. . . I went, "okay, we'll do local!" (Yes, you can all say it: I am indeed a sick, sick man.)

So, the day came, I was put in the chair, they gave me a little anaesthetic tablet to dissolve under my tongue. I remember that it tasted like hell and I didn't even really feel it affect me at all . . . oh well . . . needle-time!

Again, the familiar feeling of those pinchy little needles going into the gums and other soft parts of my mouth, then I felt it all go numb . . . and then it was time to rock and roll!

The oral surgeon had a few more tools compared to the dentist. He actually had little things to hold the gum open after he cut through it (again, the WEIRDEST feeling ever). It was then when he said, "yeah, we're gonna have to take the tooth out in pieces . . ."

I'm awake this whole time, mind you . . . . . tee hee . . .

So I can't really see what they're pulling out, but in any case, it made a whirring sound and buzzed my jaw a bit . . . guess they were drilling fracture lines or something? Well, after they did that, I saw him sort of grab what I can best describe as an all-metal instrument that had a slurpee scoop at the end of it. So he puts this thing where I assume he had just drilled points, started the twisting . . . twist twist twist . . . nothing . . . . . he puts the "flat scoop" down, and grabs a new one . . .

This one had a handle like a screwdriver! Just a thick, thick handle, designed for leverage! So again, this thing goes into my mouth, into the drilled bit in my impacted wisdom tooth . . . twist, twist, twist . . . twist . . . . . . KRRRAAAACKKK!!! Maybe it was just because it was in my head so I could hear it through the vibrations and all (you know how that is, right? Like humming quietly and you can hear it perfectly?), but in any case, that was a definite, audible crack that just resounded in my mouth! Again, I raised my fist slightly in triumph . . .

So out comes the shovel, in goes the tweezers . . . I think that one came out in about 5 or 6 pieces . . . from what I saw, they were all almost perfect cubes too!

So yeah, again, stitch stitch stitch, close that up so I don't bleed to death and make that poor sucker-thing work overtime . . . on to the other side! Ya know, more of the same, cut, drill, KKRRAAAAACK!!! . . . all in good fun, I'm sure . . .

Right after I got my bottoms pulled out and my cheeks were packed full of gauze again, I was sent to the little "resting/wake-up/puking room" in the office, and I just sorta sat there, waiting. Didn't really feel dizzy or anything. When my ride came, I went to the pharmacy, bought the Tylenol 3's for whatever pain might come up . . . and I went home to kill a few hours (and let me tell ya, you'd be surprised how well one can STILL talk when one's mouth is full of cottony things and one's jaw is held closed the entire time!).

So yeah, my mouth was pretty sore for the next few days or so. I was gargling the salt water, I was taking the antibiotics, I was eating the soft foods (but to a lesser extent than before, I think), and all the while I was esentially just thinking, "wow, my jaw kinda hurts . . ." But ya know what? It just never seemed to hurt that much!

I kid you not! I don't know what it was; either the doctors had a really easy time with my particular case or I just have a really high tolerance for pain. In any case, I never used a single one of those Tylenol 3's. Not one! It just never really hurt enough . . . . .

So yeah, I think I got off easy or something. I've yet to hear of a similar type of ordeal with wisdom teeth or anything else like that. This is my story, I had fun telling it . . . and Rusty, buddy, I do hope you're feeling a bit better . . . . . cause eventually it will, believe me!

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