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myOtaku.com: SkyeRainOfSorrow

Thursday, February 17, 2005

   side chapter
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this is only 1/4 cuz i kept on signing on and off XD i kept gettin kicked off!

AngelsanctuaryV [7:06 PM]: *nice one*
ShounenAiOrDie [7:06 PM]: lol
AngelsanctuaryV [7:06 PM]: ok im bored...
ShounenAiOrDie [7:06 PM]: i scroll.....
ShounenAiOrDie [7:06 PM]: *brakes ps2*
ShounenAiOrDie [7:06 PM]: oops....
ShounenAiOrDie [7:06 PM]: XD
ShounenAiOrDie [7:07 PM]: *sits on couch*
AngelsanctuaryV [7:07 PM]: whatever... i guess that means i win!
ShounenAiOrDie [7:07 PM]: *pats couch wanting you to come*
ShounenAiOrDie [7:07 PM]: wuki!
ShounenAiOrDie [7:07 PM]: ^^
ShounenAiOrDie [7:07 PM]: *pats it again*
ShounenAiOrDie [7:07 PM]: *rubs couch*
AngelsanctuaryV [7:07 PM]: ok im coming
ShounenAiOrDie [7:08 PM]: ^^
AngelsanctuaryV [7:08 PM]: *sits on couch next to shuichi*
ShounenAiOrDie [7:08 PM]: *leans on yuki*
ShounenAiOrDie [7:08 PM]: *sucks thumb*
AngelsanctuaryV [7:08 PM]: im tired....
ShounenAiOrDie [7:08 PM]: your always tired.....
ShounenAiOrDie [7:08 PM]: why are you always so tired?
ShounenAiOrDie [7:08 PM]: your always too tired to do anything with me!
ShounenAiOrDie [7:08 PM]: *crys*
AngelsanctuaryV [7:09 PM]: your the one tha always makes me tired....
ShounenAiOrDie [7:09 PM]: *sniff sniff* wha tha supose to mean.....
ShounenAiOrDie [7:09 PM]: your mean...
ShounenAiOrDie [7:09 PM]: i hate you...
ShounenAiOrDie [7:09 PM]: *lays on yuki*
AngelsanctuaryV [7:09 PM]: ok so what would you like me to do? use my gtreat raping abilities on you?
ShounenAiOrDie [7:10 PM]: no.... i hate you... remember?
ShounenAiOrDie [7:10 PM]: *looks at yuki*
ShounenAiOrDie [7:10 PM]: i wuv woo...
AngelsanctuaryV [7:10 PM]: *lays down the same way so were both laying down*
AngelsanctuaryV [7:10 PM]: same here... ur just really hyper and im still getting used to it...
ShounenAiOrDie [7:11 PM]: -_-....
ShounenAiOrDie [7:11 PM]: wuki.....
ShounenAiOrDie [7:11 PM]: why are you so mwean to shuichi?
ShounenAiOrDie [7:11 PM]: -_-
ShounenAiOrDie [7:11 PM]: gaaaahhh.....
ShounenAiOrDie [7:11 PM]: *sucks thumb*
AngelsanctuaryV [7:11 PM]: i didnt do anything!
AngelsanctuaryV [7:12 PM]: ok im sorry ill try to not be so mean...
AngelsanctuaryV [7:12 PM]: so what do you want me to do with you? you said i never do anything...
ShounenAiOrDie [7:12 PM]: *looks at yuki*
ShounenAiOrDie [7:12 PM]: *fluffy eyed*
AngelsanctuaryV [7:13 PM]: ????
AngelsanctuaryV [7:13 PM]: im waiting....
ShounenAiOrDie [7:13 PM]: *places hand on your face covering it all*
AngelsanctuaryV [7:13 PM]: now what are you doing that for!?
ShounenAiOrDie [7:13 PM]: *takes hand away*
ShounenAiOrDie [7:13 PM]: *sits up*
AngelsanctuaryV [7:13 PM]: *stays laying down*
AngelsanctuaryV [7:14 PM]: *i have 15 min*
ShounenAiOrDie [7:14 PM]: (okay ill get off when you do! ^^)
AngelsanctuaryV [7:14 PM]: so now whats wrong with you?
AngelsanctuaryV [7:14 PM]: was it something i said?
AngelsanctuaryV [7:15 PM]: or are you going to run away again?
ShounenAiOrDie [7:15 PM]: *sits on yuki*
ShounenAiOrDie [7:15 PM]: i... sawee.....
AngelsanctuaryV [7:15 PM]: *lets out air and cant breath*
AngelsanctuaryV [7:15 PM]: pffff
ShounenAiOrDie [7:16 PM]: *lays on yuki-kun*
ShounenAiOrDie [7:16 PM]: am i really that heavy.....?
AngelsanctuaryV [7:16 PM]: no u just surprised me...
AngelsanctuaryV [7:16 PM]: *hold shuichi and doesnt let go*
ShounenAiOrDie [7:17 PM]: *wipes tears off face* im sorry yuki.... i do everything wrong*
AngelsanctuaryV [7:17 PM]: dont say that,.... no you dont
ShounenAiOrDie [7:17 PM]: *sniff sniff*
AngelsanctuaryV [7:17 PM]: *wipes more unwanted tears from shuichis face*
AngelsanctuaryV [7:18 PM]: stop putting yourself down all the time.. thats how you go insaine...
ShounenAiOrDie [7:18 PM]: *kisses yuki* but i am insane.....
AngelsanctuaryV [7:18 PM]: *kisses back*
AngelsanctuaryV [7:19 PM]: i know you are and thats why i love you so much... you dont care what other people think..
AngelsanctuaryV [7:19 PM]: you just act how you want to act and its like nothing else in the world matters...
ShounenAiOrDie [7:19 PM]: *falls off* woops....
ShounenAiOrDie [7:20 PM]: *stays on floor*
ShounenAiOrDie [7:20 PM]: im sorry yuki-kun ^^
ShounenAiOrDie [7:21 PM]: i'll try to make your life not so miserable when your with me! ^^
AngelsanctuaryV [7:21 PM]: my life isnt miserable though....
AngelsanctuaryV [7:21 PM]: you make it full of life...
AngelsanctuaryV [7:21 PM]: *sites up*
ShounenAiOrDie [7:22 PM]: ^^ *crys* once again... i did it again! XD
ShounenAiOrDie [7:22 PM]: *jumps on you and throws arms around you*
AngelsanctuaryV [7:22 PM]: what do you mean "you did it again?"
AngelsanctuaryV [7:22 PM]: you did nothing...
ShounenAiOrDie [7:23 PM]: -_- stop it yuki-kun! your lieing again! i know its my fault! you don't have to make me better! im okay! im jus' worried about you!
ShounenAiOrDie [7:24 PM]: *sigh*
AngelsanctuaryV [7:24 PM]: *wipes ur tears*
ShounenAiOrDie [7:24 PM]: *rubs cheek with yuki*
ShounenAiOrDie [7:24 PM]: *luaghs* your warm!
AngelsanctuaryV [7:24 PM]: why do you always think im lying...? a
ShounenAiOrDie [7:24 PM]: and i thought you were cold XD
AngelsanctuaryV [7:25 PM]: ok that was the lamest ever...
AngelsanctuaryV [7:25 PM]: no offence...
AngelsanctuaryV [7:25 PM]: of course im warm ur on top of me...
AngelsanctuaryV [7:25 PM]: lol
ShounenAiOrDie [7:25 PM]: (what do you expect from shuichi? XD)
ShounenAiOrDie [7:25 PM]: lol
AngelsanctuaryV [7:25 PM]: (*nothin more and nothing less*)
ShounenAiOrDie [7:26 PM]: *takes off pants* wheres my leather pants.....
AngelsanctuaryV [7:26 PM]: under my pant im wearing...
ShounenAiOrDie [7:27 PM]: XD why are you wearing my leather pants? ..... hmm..... *unbuttons your jeans*
AngelsanctuaryV [7:27 PM]: hey! i didnt give you permission to get in my pants!
ShounenAiOrDie [7:28 PM]: *covers head*
ShounenAiOrDie [7:28 PM]: sorry sorry sorry
ShounenAiOrDie [7:28 PM]: sorry sorry sorry!
AngelsanctuaryV [7:28 PM]: its ok dang...
AngelsanctuaryV [7:28 PM]: ok you can stop saying sorry...
AngelsanctuaryV signed off at 7:28 PM
ShounenAiOrDie [7:29 PM]: okay sorry

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