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myOtaku.com: Shireishou

Friday, March 14, 2008


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Man I missing again!!! (14 March 08)

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  • Shireishou ym

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    Man.. I cant post for a month. managing 5 blog at same times spend alot of time

    I'm confused with version vibrant. PM in Theotaku and Myotaku without PM? Why dont just merge Myotaku and theotaku? Redirect maybe? So all visitor/member can be focused at The Otaku not My Otaku. Not mentioned removed myotaku. But even when we open myotaku, we directly goes to the otaku.

    Am I babling enough after I disappear? True fact is I love the new layout of the otaku. I really like it. If Myotaku can be merge with the otaku it will be awesome!

    Btw, in fanart, where is MISC category? I want posting art but that category is gone.. So I put on TV. And is that true that I need my art to be moderate AGAIN before able to be approved? I'm not see my art after I upload it.

    Oh well... I should learn a lot. Btw any new news?I miss U all and sorry cant visit all of you. I just visiting who came to my site at previous post.

    Video of the Post

    Me and my sister singin A DOLL by Lee Ji Hon, Hyesung and Kangta from Korea

    Picture of the Post

    Me as Abe no Yasuaki (the light green veil) at Animonster Sound 23 Feb 08

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