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myOtaku.com: shippo-souten

Saturday, November 5, 2005


Your Otaku+++Without Wings+++Shippo Lovers


Hiya! Thanks everyone for visting me..I haven't been really visting people and its unfair for you. SO i will at least promise to get to your sites today! Okay? Thanks.

Nothing really happened yesterday. Got home...then night came watched all the anime shows up..They actually showed two espies of naruto yesterday! I was soo happy. They took out Gundam Seed since they already have it on weekdays..I THINK HAKU IS A GURL!!! o.0 T_T..I was crying. But his voice was...ahh....

I hope i get to go out today..I'm suppose to go to a birthday party..one of my friends of course XD but its a 6:30pm soo I hope i can go.

I'm glad that you can hear the music..It isn't on auto..i'm also happy that you like the quote. Yay!

I need to get bleach 57..i need chapter 202..i also need naruto 282..why does this always happen to me? I read too much. I need new wallapers..desktop i ment.
I think thats bout it.

See ya!

"Straight ahead. Never looking back. I think. I wish. I am. Me."


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