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myOtaku.com: shadowtiger69

Tuesday, May 2, 2006

   They don't have a sick icon...so hence the ? mark....ugh....
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Thanks you guys for commeting yesterday, always appreciate the support and enthusiasm. ^^;;;;

This one is sick...like stomach virus sick. But I shall explain what colorguard is with pictures. Basically we work with the band at a fiel show. they are the music, we are the visual demonstration. We have a theme every year, and this past years was prince of egypt. But here are some pics I found on our website:

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This is what we do...we spin and walk...seems easy right? Its not. Its very difficult and takes much practice.

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Here they are with the band. We play during half-time at the football games. Colorguard only lasts a semester(just through football season.)

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We also have a rifle line, where of course they toss rifles and sabers(not real ones though!!! ^^;;;;)

Well, I hope that cleared that up...if you have anymore questions, let me know in the comments, okay?

Now, I apologize, but no more pics today, I don't feel well enough. I am now going to go lay down. I am so sorry... TT.TT I feel so bad....

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