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myOtaku.com: ShadowLight

Tuesday, June 7, 2005

Feelings/Mood:Tired plus sleepy a deadly alliance..heh

Listening: "Sometimes you can't make it on your own" by U2
Time of post:05:00p.m

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Heh I'm glad I made some of you laugh with my last post, it was amusing to writte it too, although I was a little worried if you guys would start changing ideas about me, heheh XP

Aw well its what I do, and amazingly enough I have lots of fun doing all those things XD

Now onto other things, today I was a very busy bee again (if that was something new XD), to be short and because I feel too tired and also lazy XP, so here's what I did today:

  • Went to school, study something there for my exams
  • Did my psicology test since my teacher didn't show up yesterday >.> (it didn't run that bad)

  • Had lunch with one of my friends, since yesterday was her b-day but I was so tired because these last nights I can't sleep , only slept two hours, like last night too*sigh*

  • Then had two jobs interview , one at a bookstore and other in a cosmetic one, when I got to the first one the lady said she already had choose a person (so why did she phoned me yesterday?? >,>) and the second job interview (I had to wait some hours for this one, wondering around the city), the guy litteraly said in my face that I wasn't pretty enough for the job, "Beautiful womens sell better the products", that what he said to me, stupid >.>

Anyway so that was my day, nothing exciting happened maybe it did happened but since I'm feeling really exhausted, it might skipped, the only thought I have in my mind right is my big soft bed, but I still have to make dinner*sigh*

I really need to sleep today or tomorrow I will be like a totally zombie X_x++...stupid insomnias...>.<

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Shadow out...

Ps: I'm so sorry if I don't visit everyone today, I visited the friends who update, but since most of you update late, I might not visit you...gomen nasai...*bows*

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