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myOtaku.com: ShadowLight

Sunday, May 1, 2005

Mood: Sightly better...
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Going out yesterday didn't make me feel better at all, usually it helps, but this time didn't, when i got home, the first thing i did was take a shower and cry there, its not the best place, but its the only place i can't be bother and don't worry anyone at my house...
I thanx everyone who tried to cheer me up, i really do, but i think this mood gonna stay for awhile, you see what make my mood go down so fast was not only the death of one of my favorite kitties, i took care of her since she was a little baby, she was weak and really small, so her mother put her beside to die, i was the only one who could cuddle, feed, carrie her around, i was allways there for her when she need me, a few weeks ago, someone shoot her with those pressure guns, so she lost an eye, but i still love her like usual, i took her to the Vet and she was really well a couple days ago, i called her saturday in the morning like every day to give her food, and she didn't came, i thought she went to take her long walks like usual, but yesterday i found her lying on a pill of woods dead, and that really make me feel sad, cause i wasn't there in her last moment you know? She died all alone...
I know some you will think i'm silly and such, but i'm animal lover, i love my pets really much, and everytime one of them die, its like a tiny bit of my heart dies with them... that whats happens when you love to much animals...you really become really attached to them...*big sigh*
And after my mom told me my older brother is really sick, his heart is getting weak because he have to much fat around his heart, he's handy cap, so the thing he loves more in the world is food, especially meat and bread (sp?), so my mom was crying all the time, and i felt so bad...i think all of us feel responsible for him to be that sick, you know, but we can't be 24 hours a day watching what he's doing... so that's why my mood is so down and miserable...but now is slightly better after i cried yesterday, so don't worry with me, i'm strong and i'll be fine... *little smille*
I said i would writte a post explaning the festivities were having here, but still i'm not in the mood for that, i'm really sorry, i promise i'll writte tomorrow, okie?
Gomen nasai also for posting all this here, but i need to rant a little...i'll try and visit everyone who updated today, i'm sorry but i'm not going to visit the new ones that signed my gb...sorry for that...

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