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Friday, April 1, 2005

Okay, got books 2 & 3 of the Spiral manga today! W00t! (Kousuke is so cute...!!)

And then I finally decided to read X/1999, a series my sister owns but only has up to book seven of. Well, it started out all well and good...but this was me at the end of book seven:

me: *puts book down* ...Let me get this straight...Kamui is suddenly the nicest guy in the world, Fuma has a split personality disorder, Kotari lost her mind and is walking around with a bloody head and rambling on about Kamui having a twin, Sora's gunna die, and Kamui can't decide what side he's on even though they've made it clear many times which side he SHOULD be on...?
Alli: ...yup, sounds right.
me: no wonder you stopped reading this...!

Yeah...I don't get it! Where did Fuma get this split personality? Why did Kamui suddenly decide he'd stop being a jerk to everyone? Why are Kamui and Fuma actually allowing Katori to just wander around the house with a head?! Why aren't they worried that there's blood and body parts all over their porch?!


Kousuke: *pats head* It's alright...you tried your best.
Senka: *sob* *huggles Kousuke* Are you the only thing that makes sense in this world?!
Kousuke: yeah.
Senka: Aw...*hugs tighter*
Kousuke: ....can't...breathe...

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Monday, March 28, 2005

   *blows up*
Senka: It seems inevitable...in some near future, I have a feeling I'm just going to blow up! *sob*
Kousuke: ...don't look at me!!
Elwood: We weren't looking at you. There's some guy in a dress behind you.
Kousuke: huh? *turns around* Ah! oO;;
Senka: Oh, yeah, this is Albel. He's that wicked awesome dude from Star Ocean. he rocks my world. ^^ *heart*
Albel: Shut up Maggot.
Kousuke: ((*twitch* competition...))
??????: Don't get any ideas...
Elwood: They normally don't. Wait...who are you?
??????: Razuki, one of Senka's new party members or whatever. As is my father here, Zosuke, and my best friend over there.
Kousuke: ...((more competion..this sucks!))
Albel: ...((I don't remember any of these fools joining us...))
Elwood: kay...does your friend have a name?
Zosuke: Yes, but none of us can pronounce.
Razuki: Not even him.
Elwood: okay...does he speak at least?
Sraxek: *evil glare*
Elwood: Eep! *is frightened*
Kousuke: ((hmm, they all look like the cool silent type..how can I compete with that?!))
Kosuke: What's with you?!
Elwood: She's gunna blow! The character obsession input has breaked its maxium input rate!!
Albel: What?
Elwood: In other words, it's getting too crowded in here!
Razuki: Of course....
Zosuke: Just our luck, ay?
Sraxek: ...oi.
Senka: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! *blows up*

...I'm not used to being obsessed with so many people at one time...hurts my brain.

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Sunday, January 16, 2005

   Tales of Senka and Elwood! (tales 11-16)
TALE XI. Pray Senka Doesn't Pick Up

SENKA: Hello?
CALLER: Hello, is this Senka the Shadow Alchemist?
SENKA: That is the name on this phone and that seems to be what people call me, so I think...yes. Yes, I am Senka.
CALLER: If you order today you-
SENKA: Wait, what am I ordering? I never said I was ordering anything!
CALLER: Yes, we're offering a special order on spoons and if you order now-
SENKA: Oooh...spoons. I like spoons.
CALLER: Okay...Well, if you order now, you can get a set of ten for only $9.99!
SENKA: Why would I do that?
CALLER: Excuse me?
SENKA: Why would I order a set of ten spoons for only $9.99?
CALLER: Er, well...I'm being paid to do this, so...
SENKA: You know what?
CALLER: What...?
SENKA: Maybe I don't like spoons. Maybe I don't even have $9.99. Maybe I'm an evil genius who's seriously thinking of turning YOU into spoons because I like spoons.
CALLER: Wha...?
SENKA: That's right, laugh it up...But you won't be laughing now! Mwahhahahahah!
*transmutes caller into spoons via phone line!*
SENKA: heehee...Spoons! ^^

TALE XII. Pray Kousuke Doesn't Pick Up

CALLER: Hello. Please donate to the military veterans because...
KOUSUKE: Why would I donate money to a government related activity when they want to kill me? That person would have to be a fool.
CALLER: ...your funds will greatly help those who...
KOUSUKE: Who wanna kill me! Are you listening to me?!
CALLER: ...and as a thank you gift, we'll...
KOUSUKE: You'll kill me, that's what you'll do!
CALLER: *click*
KOUSUKE: Hello? Hello?! Hey, you can't hang up on me! I'm one of the blade children!
*blows up the phone*
KOUSUKE: HA! Oh, shoot...

TALE XIII. Pray Elwood Doesn't Pick Up

ELWOOD: Hello?
CALLER: Hello Mr. Sav..in..lax..e...mer...
ELWOOD: Savlaximier.
CALLER: ...Right, sorry. Would you like to order this magizine for only $29.99 a year? That's 12 issues of Anti-Evil Weekly for only-
ELWOOD: Anti-Evil Weekly?
CALLER: Yes, that is right sir. And if you order now, you can have 12 issues for only...
ELWOOD: Hey, wait a minute...!
ELWOOD: If it's weekly, and the order is for a year...why do I only get 12 issues?! That's only enough for...uh...three months!
ELWOOD: I can't believe this! You were trying to con me! You're selling an anti-evil magazine, but doing evil acts to sell it!
CALLER: Er....sorry?
ELWOOD: Oh, alright. At least you apologized. So is the first 12 free or something?
CALLER: Uh, sure?
ELWOOD: That's nice.
CALLER: So....are you going to order?
ELWOOD: Hm...I guess so.
CALLER: Thank you sir! o_o *click*
ELWOOD: Hey wait a minute...you never got my information! Darn it...I was hoping it would have an anti-Senka spell or something...T_T

TALE XIV. The Quest for Natsume: Part One

ELWOOD: You alright?
KOUSUKE: Nastume changed the release date to some game she wanted again.
ELWOOD: What game?
SENKA: The Harvest Moon: For Girls version! They must translate it so I can stop scaring people by yelling out that Karen will marry me! NATSUME, HURRY UP DARN IT!
KOUSUKE: Senka, my friend, please settle down. ^^()
SENKA: I...can't...AH! Must...destroy...Natsume...!
KOUSUKE: If you destroy Natsume, then the game will never be made...^^()
SENKA: . . . good point. Then I'll conform them into my slaves and force them to work until the game is complete! Mwahahahahaha!
KOUSUKE: You do that. We'll watch. ^^()
ELWOOD: Uh...o_o;; All this over a video game?
SENKA: Not just ANY video game! The greatest game ever to be made! The life of a farmer knows no end! Mwahhahahahaha!
ELWOOD: uh...o_o()
KOUSUKE: Why don't you play while we wait?
SENKA: . . . Very well. *begins to play Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town*
ELWOOD: So...video games calm her down, eh?
KOUSUKE: Not really.
SENKA: CURSES! I dropped the cucumber!
ELWOOD: I see...But if this "Natsume" completes the games, will she be somewhat silenced?
KOUSUKE: A little, perhaps.
SENKA: Gimme my milk, you stupid cow!
ELWOOD: Where will I find this so-called "Natsume" that sounds like some kind of japanese dish?
KOUSUKE: Look in the phonebook. I'll join you if you find them.
SENKA: Yes my child...take the egg and speak poor english...haha..hahhaha...mwahahahahahaha!
KOUSUKE + ELWOOD: *sweatdrop*
KOUSUKE: please hurry.
ELWOOD: working on it.

TALE XV. The Quest for Natsume: Part Two

ELWOOD: I got it!
KOUSUKE: Good, I'm not sure how much of this I can take!
SENKA: Run Kousuke, run!
SENKA: oh, right, sorry. I named my person Kousuke. ^.^
KOUSUKE: I'm slightly scared. ^.^() Elwood, where is it?
ELWOOD: Underground, in a scary secret liar.
KOUSUKE: How are we supposed to find it?
ELWOOD: Apparently mapquest can still get us directions there.
KOUSUKE: Really? Cool.
SENKA: Stupid chicken! You can no longer be part of my evil army!
ELWOOD: Any...way...to get there, we need to blast a hole down to through approximately 25 feet.
KOUSUKE: alright, time to put these bombs to good use. ^^

ELWOOD: Let's go.
KOUSUKE: right.
SENKA: Haha! Cliff cannot leave! Mwahhahahahaha!
ELWOOD + KOUSUKE: *sweatdrop*
*They jump down*
ELWOOD: Are you guys the so-called "Natsume"?
NATSUME: Perhaps.
KOUSUKE: Finish those new games...
ELWOOD: ...or else! Trust us, this will hurt a lot less than it would if we had let Senka run loose.
NATSUME: Or else what? We wanna be lazy! *sticks tongue out*
*Senka comes out of nowhere*
SENKA: I came as soon my sheep lost. Now...finish the games or I turn you into a bowl of ramen!
ELWOOD: Senka, there are better ways to settle this...
KOUSUKE: and they involve blowing things up!
NATSUME: We will never complete them! Mwahahahaha!
SENKA: HEY! Only I can evil laugh!
*transmutes them in bowls of ramen*
ELWOOD + KOUSUKE: uh...o_o;;
SENKA: *sigh* Now I have to do it all myself.
*transmutes completely translated version*
*begins to play and eat the ramen*
SENKA: You guys hungry? Yum. ^^
ELWOOD + KOUSUKE: uh...o_o;;
KOUSUKE: I'm gunna...go now...I'll be back...maybe.
ELWOOD: Not without me you don't.
*they run off*
SENKA: *shrugs* Suit yourselves. Yay ramen! Yay Cliff! W00t!

TALE XVI. No Chicken Here!

SERVER: Welcome to Happy Chicken, how may I help you?
SENKA: I'd like some chicken please. ^^
SERVER: I'm sorry, we don't sell chicken before 4 P.M.
SENKA: Huh? ^^
SERVER: No chicken.
SENKA: But I want chicken...
SERVER: Sorry. Can I offer you one of our other great choices?
SENKA: Chicken...
SERVER: Steak? Hot dogs? Hamburgers?
SENKA: I want chicken...
SERVER: I told you, we don't server chicken before 4 P.M.
*throws Cyrus at server*
SERVER: Ah! I'm sorry! But we have no chicken for you!
SENKA: Wahhhh!!
*transmutes server into chicken*
SENKA: Yay! ^^ Thank you very much, I'll come again. ^.^

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Saturday, January 15, 2005

   Tales of Senka and Elwood! (tales 7-10 + Special II)
And so it goes on!! Mwahahahaha!! ^^ can't...stop...writing...ah!

TALE VII. Welcome to the Time Zone

SENKA: Ha! You thought you could get away-but you can't! Mwahhahahaha!
CYRUS: How'd she get us?
ELWOOD: It was like magic...
SENKA: hm...You mean, like you entered the...
CYRUS + ELWOOD: ...the twilight zone!
SENKA: (at the same time)...the time zone!
CYRUS: the time zone?
ELWOOD: did we enter a new time zone?
SENKA: Yes! We now add an hour, so please synchronize watches in 3, 2...1.
*all synchronize watches*
SENKA: Very good.
CYRUS: So, how'd you catch us? Alchemy?
ELWOOD: You always do say you can transmute anything...
SENKA: Actually, I didn't do anything. It was your own fault.
SENKA: Because you two ran into this new time zone!
SENKA: So then we added an hour, and since fate said in less than an hour I'd catch you...in the switch you became caught!
CYRUS: So you're saying...
ELWOOD: ...time zones work like a time machine?
SENKA: Yes. But you can only go back so many hours and forward so many. Isn't that nifty? ^^
CYRUS: Hey, that means I can get out of here!
ELWOOD: No fair!
SENKA: You can't leave me! Nooooo! I won't let you!
*transmutes Cyrus into a plushie*
ELWOOD: Ah-! o.o O.O;;
*Senka cuddles plushie*
SENKA: Ah, poor little Cyrus needs a hug!

AUTHOR: And this has been another episode...of the Time Zone!

TALE VIII. How to Take Over the World - Part One

SENKA: I have a secret...
ELWOOD: I have a feeling you have many...do they involve puppies or plushies?
SENKA: Actually, no...
ELWOOD: Oh. Then what is this "secret"?
SENKA: I want..
ELWOOD: ...?
SENKA: I want...to take over the world!! Mwahahahaha!!!
ELWOOD: -_- *sigh*
SENKA: I know just how to do it too.
ELWOOD: Really? How's that?
SENKA: Take notes. Step one-throw a party, gain everyone's trust.
*Elwood begins to write!*
ELWOOD: party...trust...
SENKA: Step two-make them work for me, then set them in denial about the situation!
ELWOOD: work...denial...
SENKA: Step three-have them invite friends!
ELWOOD: "friends", invite...
SENKA: Step four-turn them all into my personal evil squirrel army!
ELWOOD: something about evil squirrels...
SENKA: Step five-conquer the country, then the world! Mwahahahahaha!
ELWOOD: conquer...country, world...evil laugh...
SENKA: ..haha...*cough* so, what've we got?
ELWOOD: How to take over the world...Step one, throw a party of trusted people. Step two, begin to work but be in denial about it. Step three, invite your "friends" to make new friends. Step four, kidnap squirrels for pets and call them evil. Step five, conquer everyone at a game called Country, World...
SENKA: Sounds good to me! Come on, let's get to work! Mwahhahahahahaha!

TALE IX. How to Take Over the World - Part Two

SENKA: Elf Wood, seeing as you're the only one I trust, I invite you to my party. Cyrus will be there too, but I'm not sure how active he'll be...
ELWOOD: I don't really have a choice, do I?
SENKA: No, not really. So, you coming?
ELWOOD: I suppose.
SENKA: Good. Now, I went at got a job at some place claiming to be the King of Burgers...I have completely destroyed that title though. mwahahahaha! And since I denied it being my fault, step one and two are complete!
ELWOOD: Uh...very good?
SENKA: Hm...Now, Elf Wood, I am telling you an official invitation to make new friends!
ELWOOD: Taken gladly if it means we're no longer friends.
SENKA: What the hey. *shrugs* But please wait 'til my speech is done.
ELWOOD: Alright...
SENKA: Now, I have set traps all around so I can catch my pet squirrels...yes, soon I will have the largest pet squirrel collection there ever was! mwahahahahaha!
ELWOOD: Good for you. *thumbs up*
SENKA: Now...I challenge you to a game call Country, World!
ELWOOD: You do know there's no such game?
SENKA: There isn't? Very well, then I've already done it. You know what means...
ELWOOD: Yes, you took over the world and I'm free to go.
SENKA: What? No one said you could go. I said you didn't have to be my friend anymore, but you're still my slav-apprentice...
ELWOOD: Wahhhhh?!
SENKA: It's true...
ELWOOD: Arhhh...I hate you...
SENKA: That's the spirit! ^^ What were we doing again?
ELWOOD: You were talking about how evil you are.
SENKA: True that! Mwahahahahahaha!
ELWOOD: oi...v.v

TALE X. Senka VS. Kousuke

KOUSUKE: Are you the shadow alchemist I've been hearing so much about?
SENKA: Yes. And you, I suppose, are the wickedly awesome blade child Kousuke I have been hearing about?
KOUSUKE: Correct.
ELWOOD: Oh dear. This won't end well.
KOUSUKE + SENKA (pointing at eachother): I CHALLENGE YOU TO A BATTLE!
KOUSUKE: of wits!
SENKA: of skills!
ELWOOD: Why battle?
KOUSUKE: Because she tried to imprison me a long time ago...!
SENKA: You're own fault for being so hawt! Kousuke-you left me even though I loved you! For that you shan't be forgiven!!
KOUSUKE: Oh, you really think I'm hawt?
SENKA: Always did.
KOUSUKE: Thanks. You know, you were always kind of cool...
SENKA: Kind of? *twitch* Anyway, I'm evil now. Mwahahahahaha!
KOUSUKE: Cool. I used to be evil. Can I convert back?
SENKA: I suppose if you really want to.
ELWOOD: Hey what about the battle?!
KOUSUKE: Oh, yeah. I'll ask you a riddle. Get it right, you win. Get it wrong, you both die-I planted a bomb underneath your feet. *evil grin* Do you accept?
SENKA: Sure do!
ELWOOD: ((Wha-?! I'm doomed! Senka doesn't have the mental capacity for riddles!!))
KOUSUKE: Here we go...Underneath is an orange brown, above a pink purple. The air is quite cool and I am isolated. Where am I?
ELWOOD: What kind of riddle is that?! ((She'll never get it!))
SENKA: Well, I'd have to say you're in the middle of the desert at sunset.
ELWOOD: ((I'm doomed...T_T))
KOUSUKE: That's actually wrong. The correct answer would be mars-I never said other planets were off limits. But...since I like you so much, I'll let you live. ^^
SENKA: W00t! ^.^
ELWOOD: Eh?! o_o;;
*Kousuke and Senka go off on their merry way*
ELWOOD: but...but...@.@
KOUSUKE + SENKA: Come on Elf Wood, hurry up!

SPECIAL II. Let's Be Serious Now

SENKA: Many people have complained we're too...
KOUSUKE: easy-going.
ELWOOD: enjoyable.
CYRUS: ...
SENKA: scary. But that's because we're evil, so it needs to be that way. Mwahahahaha!
ELWOOD: Hey-I'm not evil!
KOUSUKE: You became evil the moment you joined us. ^^
ELWOOD: eh?! But I joined before you did!
SENKA: Actually no. Kousuke and I were together, but then we had split up. Now we're back! ^^
ELWOOD: Let's try this serious thing though...see how it goes.
SENKA + KOUSUKE: *sigh* Fine...
SENKA: *clears throat* They're coming...*serious look*
KOUSUKE: ...what should we do? They're too fast to outrun.
ELWOOD: ??? Who are you talking about? There isn't anyone coming...!
SENKA: Ugh, I can't do this!
KOUSUKE: Me too!
ELWOOD: You weren't even trying!
SENKA: You didn't give us anything to work with!
KOUSUKE: There's no plot to go on, and our characters are very limited!
ELWOOD: er...*twitch* Fine...then those people who don't like it can just go!
KOUSUKE: You do realize...that if that was true, they would have left by now?
ELWOOD: ...good point...
SENKA: Hey! That means we did this all for nothing! Darn it, I'm going to track 'em all down!!
KOUSUKE: Is this the plot?
ELWOOD: Dunno.

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   Tales of Senka and Elwood! (tales 5-6)
And so the adventure of Senka and Elwood continues!! mwahahahaha!

TALE V. That Really Would Have Been Better Left Unsaid...

SENKA: dot dot dot...
ELWOOD: huh?
SENKA: sweatdrop!
ELWOOD: What are you doing?!
SENKA: I'm narrating my life, said Senka.
ELWOOD: Uh...why?
SENKA: laugh. It seemed funny, answered Senka.
ELWOOD: Er, okay...
SENKA: hm...Senka is thinking.
ELWOOD: good, you could use that.
SENKA: Senka doesn't know what to do.
ELWOOD: huh?
SENKA: *bleeped for scary content*, thinks Senka.
SENKA: What's wrong with *bleep!*? inquired Senka.
ELWOOD: My thoughts!! They burnnnnnnn!! Leave me alone!! x_x
SENKA: Okay. Senka shrugs and walks off.
ELWOOD: Someone...please...save me...*collapses*

SPECIAL I. Why Bleep?

SENKA: Why did they bleep my thoughts? That's so rude!
ELWOOD: They had good reason!
SENKA: But why??? What's wrong with wanting to eat toast?!
SENKA: No, seriously! What's wrong with wanting to eat toast?!
ELWOOD: AHHHHH-!! Wait a minute...eating toast? You wanted to eat toast?
SENKA: Yes. I like toast very much.
ELWOOD: So...why was it bleeped?
SENKA: I think its because people are dirty minded.
ELWOOD: but what's that have to do with toast?
SENKA: No idea.
SENKA: Ah-ha! So she bleeped it so she could steal it!
ELWOOD: That doesn't make sense-!
SENKA: Perfect sense! After her! CHARGE!!!
ELWOOD: Why??!!

AUTHOR: And so I am chased by Senka and Elwood for the toast. Which is still mine. Mwahahahahaha!!!
SENKA: Get back here!!
AUTHOR: Gotta run!
ELWOOD: Wait! Why are we doing this?!
SENKA: I wanna *bleep*! Ah darn it, lemme *bleep* darnit!
ELWOOD: What's wrong with *bleep*?!
AUTHOR: Mine! Hisssss!!
SENKA: ...*bleep*.

TALE VI. Enter Cyrus, Exit Cyrus and Elwood

SENKA: I made a new friend today! ^.^
ELWOOD: oh really?
SENKA: Yup. His name is Cyrus. Come on out Cyrus!
CYRUS: I wasn’t hiding. I’ve been standing here the whole time.
SENKA: Haha! What a joker! hahahahahaha...*cough*ha...oh, yeah, this is my alchemy apprentice Elf Wood.
ELWOOD: It’s Elwood...*sigh*
SENKA: He’s really cool at soccer! That’s how I met him-he hit me with a soccer ball!
CYRUS: I was hoping you’d be knocked unconscious.
SENKA: Hahaa...what a joker!
ELWOOD: So why are still here?
CYRUS: It seems I am not permitted to leave.
ELWOOD: me too.
SENKA: Hey! What are you two babbling about?
CYRUS: Our plot to bury you alive and see if you can get out in time to catch us after we run off.
ELWOOD: uh...o_o;;
SENKA: Really, cool! You are sooo amazing Cyrus!! ^^
CYRUS: Can I go now?
SENKA: No. ^^
ELWOOD: Any regrets?
CYRUS: Just one. I should have ran after I hit her. You?
ELWOOD: Many. Starting with I should I have walked away the moment I saw her transmute that statue into a lion...
CYRUS: That was her?
ELWOOD: Yeah, she’s the shadow alchemist. She brags about being able to transmute anything.
CYRUS: huh...If she wasn’t so scary, I’d think of that as cool.
ELWOOD: I know what you mean...
SENKA: Hey! You’re talking about me!
CYRUS: How’d you ever guess?
SENKA: I kept sneezing. *sniffle*
CYRUS: You think if we keep talking about her we get away?
(Senka sneezes)
ELWOOD: Good idea.
(they high five)
CYRUS: That Senka...
ELWOOD: Senka sure is...
(they run)


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   Tales of Senka and Elwood! (tales 1-4)
mwahahaha...Senka is my comic version of myself, only looking cooler xD Elwood is sort of my alchemy apprentice...yes, this is in a comic format but it's not inked or scanned, so..

TALE I. To Be Evil, Or Not to Be Evil - Is That Even a Question?

SENKA: I am absolute evil! Mwhahahahaha!
ELWOOD: If you're so evil, why you making me collect all these
abandoned puppies?
SENKA: Puppies today...viscous dogs the next! Mwahhahahahaha!!
ELWOOD: You just think they're cute...
SENKA: That's only a plus.


ELWOOD: I'm hungry...
SENKA: Should I transmute the puppies into something yummy for your tummy?
SENKA: *cuddles puppy* Good 'cuz I could NEVER eat my lil' puppy
wuppers! Isn't that right, Mr. Rawr? Your my lil' Mr. Rawr! Yes you
are, yes you are!
ELWOOD: You're mad!!
SENKA: Am I evil now?
ELWOOD: If by evil you mean mentally unbalanced and socially inept...then YES!
SENKA: Sweet. Mwahahahaha!

TALE II. Why Did I Do This Again?

SENKA: So, what have we learned?
ELWOOD: I should build a time machine and stop myself from becoming your apprentice?
SENKA: hm. I guess that works too, but I was thinking more of robbing a bank...
ELWOOD: What?!
SENKA: Ya...a time machine is good and all, but robbing banks is just, ya know, more fun...
ELWOOD: For who?!
SENKA: Everyone of course! Especially me. ^.^
ELWOOD: That's it, I quit! Senka, you're no longer my master!
SENKA: 'Fraid you're mistaken. Didn't you read the fine print?
ELWOOD: Fine print...?
SENKA: Yup. Look-you can't quit. I must disown you. And I must say, you are the funnest slave..er...apprentice I've ever had!
ELWOOD: Wha-?! Why did I agree to this?
SENKA: If I recall, it had something to do with your life story...
ELWOOD: Oh yeah...There was that day five years ago when...


ELWOOD: ...so then it seemed like a no brainer.
SENKA: Fascinating, really.
ELWOOD: Funny thing-I can't remember what we were talking about...
SENKA: Really? Shame.
SENKA: Anywho...let's go Elf Wood.
ELWOOD: EL-WOOD! Not elf wood!!

TALE III. Drop That Elf Wood!

SENKA: Sweet, I found a piece of wood! And it's mine, all mine! Mwahahahaha!
ELWOOD: I don't suppose it belonged to a gnome?
SENKA: Nah...based on the age of the wood, I'd say...an elf wood. Ohholysweetnessofdoom-it's an Elf Wood! Just like you Elf Wood!
ELWOOD: ELWOOD! And I was jokin-
SENKA: -there's no time for that. We have to sell it! We'll be stinkin' rich!
ELWOOD: What? I was only-
SENKA: Come on! We have no time to waste!
STRANGER: Hey-I heard you talking about some Elf Wood there?
SENKA: It's mine, back off!
STRANGER: I'm gunna have to get that from you!

*a battle ensues over the wood*

*ten episodes later*

SENKA: Ha! The Elf Wood is mine! See Elf Wood? That's how it's done.
ELWOOD: Wow, and it only took five minutes.
SENKA: That's 'cuz I'm a pro. Anyway, weren't you saying something about the Elf Wood? You think it's worth millions?
ELWOOD: I was joking. It's just wood.
ELWOOD: It's only wood.
SENKA: . . . Oh well, at least I got to portray my evil-ness in battle today.

*tosses wood away*

ELWOOD: *sigh*
TALE IV. Senka Takes the IQ Test!

ELWOOD: In my hands is a test...
SENKA: OOoh...does it tell me how evil I am?
ELWOOD: uh, sure...
SENKA: Sweet!

*grabs test*
*begins to work*


ELWOOD: Good, let's see how smar-I mean, how evil you are...
SENKA: W00t! ^.^
GRADING MACHINE: beep beep beeeeep...com..put...ing...ding!
ELWOOD: The results are here!
SENKA: Cool! I bet I got a 100% evil!
ELWOOD: o_o;; ((how is that possible..?))
SENKA: sweet! Uh, it grades reverse, right?
ELWOOD: o_o;;
SENKA: Ah dangit, the machine killed Elf Wood! He was so suprised by my evilness he died!
ELWOOD: *twitch*
SENKA: ah! he moved! he livessssss!!
ELWOOD: *twitch* That time machine would be reaallllyyyyy handy 'bout now...
SENKA: eh...?


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Friday, January 14, 2005

You came from the water. Calm and shy, you know
what you want, but sometimes are afraid to
stand up for yourself.

Where did you come from?
brought to you by Quizilla

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Thursday, January 13, 2005


What is Your Destiny?
by Valcion
DestinyDefeat of your archnemesis
Date when you fufill your destinyJanuary 3, 2005
Quiz created with MemeGen!

WHAT?! Who's my archnemisis?! When did I defeat them?! I don't remember this! I didn't even know I have an archnemisis! O.O;;

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I tried that same quiz, using different things as my name...This one was more accurate than the first I think: (but how my hair is nice I haven't the slightest clue)

Your Love Life by lpfloatsmyboat
favorite color:
best physical quaility:hair
best personality trait:you can solve any social problem
will you marry your bf/gf that you have now?it depends
when will you get married?July 18, 2017
your kiss is:mixed messages
People date you because:you're cute
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Then the final one I used my full name..and sadly I think it's the most accurate of all. T_T

Your Love Life by lpfloatsmyboat
favorite color:
best physical quaility:nothing really :(
best personality trait:nothing...nothing at all
will you marry your bf/gf that you have now?it depends
when will you get married?January 27, 2014
your kiss is:polite
People date you because:you're kind
Quiz created with MemeGen!

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Your Love Life by lpfloatsmyboat
favorite color:
best physical quaility:lips
best personality trait:outgoing
will you marry your bf/gf that you have now?yes!
when will you get married?July 3, 2016
your kiss is:fiery
People date you because:you're funny
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Sweet, that means I get to marry Kousuke! xD Which reminds me...Kousuke has seemed to have left me. Remember the time he wouldn't let me sleep, talking about taking over somone else's body or something or other? Well, Kousuke refused to help me on any of my finals, saying that I need to figure them out on my own and he needs to rest up for the soul transission (sp?). Well, I'm slightly scared to say maybe he...succeeded...Perhaps I really am going crazy, but it was extremely weird...

I mean, after Kousuke says all this and stops talking to me, the kid with glasses and who's hair used to be died red comes and sits next to me on the bus? The same kid who usually sits somewhat orderly now sitting like he hasn't a care in the world, similar to Kousuke? Not to mention, this is the same kid I used to have a crush on in third grade and who's brother sat next to me last year.

It just seems peculiar...I guess. Anyway, I'll be posting more pics of Kousuke soon! <3

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