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myOtaku.com: serpant

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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ElvenNinja (01/22/07)

Hello, cool site...your wallpaper is awesome, anyway hope you don't mind if I add you as a friend. *adds you, slinks back to Mirkwood*

~!?@-The AwEsOmE Elf Who Is A Ninja-@?!~

twilight samurai (01/19/07)

Hey! Thanks for coming by my site the other day. I greatly appreciate your comment. Your place looks pretty sweet as well: very nice.

Well, take care.

~twilight samurai~

mystical wolf (01/18/07)

Hey awsome site that you have here
~Mystical Wolf

Mastahbetahs (01/17/07)

you have a kickass site,,,,,sorry for the late reply!

Elric330 (01/17/07)

Hey thx for signin my gb, sorry it took so long for me to get back to you I don't have internet at my house as of the moment so I can't really do anything. any way see ya later

The Fullmini Alchemist, Elric

SolemnSerpent (01/16/07)

Nice site you have.^^ And thanks for stopping by my site!

I like the Chobits background you have, haven't gotten into the anime but it looks interesting...

And you color scheme is nice too, keep up the great work!^^

I'll add you, if you don't mind, that is..


punkprincess4545 (01/11/07)

Please Sign my gb or i will shoot..!
.../ --___________---_____]
..), ---.(_(_)/
.../ (.) ), --"
/___// LOL... BYE!

The Turks (01/07/07)

All- Hey!
Reno- thanx for stoppin by our site.
Rude- we appreciate it
Elena- so were returning the favor
Tseng- well we gota jet see ya around!

-The Turks

mrs ginji amano (01/06/07)

Cool site I'm still new though so my site isnt that good but I got my freind to help me out. Visit my site when you get the chance also visit kakeru500's site. See yah later!!!^_^

wolf37841 (01/06/07)


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