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myOtaku.com: schultzie

Thursday, May 17, 2007

If you really want full details about ACEN, check out Shinkiro's page. Her posts are sure to be far more in depth.

Thursday, May 10th
I woke up and went into work. Upon arrival to the bus company, my dispatcher, Brad, looked at me like I just took a dump in his cereal.
"I thought you were gone for the weekend."
"I'm just working in the morning today, then off this afternoon and Friday." I replied.

So the morning went as usual. Come about 1:00 pm, I start making preperations for ACEN, and the long drive to Midway to pick up someone with an accent. I pack up my clothes, weapons, and some rum(I didnt even drink the whole weekend).

The drive to Midway Airport was something else, construction was bad, I had to take a detour to get to the right damn road. Pain in the ass(Ill be saying that a lot I think). I get to Midway's "Cell Phone Lot" waiting for someone to call or text me saying "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?"

I get to the airport, get a message "Im waiting, where the hell are you?" or something like that.
I try explaining to Shin that she needs to walk around to the outside of the terminal, because she was standing next to all of the busses and taxies. I circle the airport over, and over, and over looking for her. When she finally gets to the right lane for passenger pickups, she is at the far end of the terminal. About as far away from the Southwest gates as you could get. No wonder I couldnt find her right away.

So we make are way to the north side, and Chicago traffic was at its finest. Parking lot from about 90/94 all the way through the city. (If you dont know, Im not going to explain it, ask Shin, it took forever.) Im giving her shit the whole time about "WHY MIDWAY?!" "The con is right next to O'hare!"; "It would have taken only 5 minutes from pick up to hotel, but NOOO, you had to fly into MIDWAY AT 4:00 PM." She kept apologizing, I said it was fine. I dont mind the parking lot traffic, not a whole lot going on, you can just make fun of the idiots, and also just look at the magnificent skyline.

We get to the hotel, check in, rest for a few minutes, and head over to Pre-Registration. Get there about 7:30, and dont get back to the hotel until about 10:30. Spent the whole time just goofing around with a bunch of people cosplaying Ranma 1/2. It was fun, I just wish I had my PSP. It would have helped big to pass the time.

We get back to the hotel, I notice a black duffle bag on the bed, "Is this your bag?", "No. is it yours?", "No I have the shitty blue Nike bag(mine)."

It was MsKeller's the hotel gave her a key and just let her in. Trusting people, ne? So we talk for a while and all go to sleep. We were hungry, but no one wanted to go out, and it was too late to order in. So the only option, sleep. And sleep did we.

(Ok, its long winded. I must have come down with SomeguyItis, a disease to go into excruciating detail about anime cons.)
Friday May 11th, tomorrow.

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