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Sunday, March 28, 2004

Anime Convention!!
My mom seen this ad in the paper for a con in Columbus, and said she'd take me! It'll be my first con! I'm going to go on the day when they have the costume contest. I'm going to coslpay as the Strelitzia from Petshop of HOrrors. It'll look great! I'll post a pic of me in costume if I can. Itll be a l ot of fun!
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Thursday, March 25, 2004

Nearly Passed Out!
About Monday two weeks ago, I nearly passed out in karate. We were diong high blocks, punching an all, and I was getting kinda tired. Then we had to do Hayon Shodon (i think i spelled that right), a pattern, and I was about my sixth time though and had to sit out. If i kept going, i would've. Sensei really should've given us a break! In good news, I did promote to gold belt last Mon. Yay!
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Friday, March 19, 2004

I just saw Fruits Basket recently, and it's awesome! It's really kind neat, cause me and Dsinth are like the Soma animal. I'm the snake(Ayame), and I'm a lot like him. We both like Chineseish clothes, are crossdressers(ok, so I just wear guys clothes, so comfy!), and are cute enough to hide chromosomes! A couple people at skool mistook me for a guy. I wonder what would happen if we hooked up....

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Saturday, March 13, 2004

Petshop of Horrors Fan Art
I sent a letter requesting a section for Petshop oh Horrors fan art. Hopefully they'll put it up. I just finished my Strelitzia (Bird of Paradise) pic. It took me four days, but it looks awesome! It's gotta be my best pic yet! OH yeah, I also apologize about the quality of my pics. The scanner broke so I have to use the digital camera. It doesn't do my pics any justice....
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Saturday, March 6, 2004

It took me a while to find my new avatar, but it was worth it! Petshop of Horrors is one of my fav mangas and animes! It's more sad and gory than horrifying, though...They need a fan art section for it...I've got a couple good pics....
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Thursday, March 4, 2004

If anybody has any ides for some pics, I'm open to 'em. If anybody plays Phantasy Star Online, I'd love some ideas for pics from that! I should have one or two from PSO up soon.
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Monday, February 23, 2004

I can't wait for Pokemon Colluseum to come out!! It should be really cool. And Phantasy Star Online Episode III Looks totally cool! So many great games!! Must buy!!
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Wednesday, February 18, 2004

At the moment, I'm in 7th period Comp. Tech. My friend Eric, is next to me. I have to try and remind him not to quote Pirates of the Carribean anymore....What a moron...He was eating parts of his agenda...I need....a mallet....a realllly big mallet...Hey, Bob, you gotta mallet?
Bob: No.

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Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Story Time!!!

Peach Boy:
The Story of Momotaro
Once upon a time there was an old man and his old wife living in the country in Japan. The old man was a woodcutter. He and his wife were very sad and lonely because they had no children.

One day the old man went into the mountains to cut firewood, and the old woman went to the river to wash some clothes.

No sooner had the old woman begun her washing than she was very surprised to see a big peach come floating down the river. It was the biggest peach she'd ever seen in all her life. She pulled the peach out of the river and decided to take it home and give it to the old man for his supper that night.

Late in the afternoon the old man came home, and the old woman said to him: "Look what a wonderful peach I found for your supper." The old man said it was truly a beautiful peach. He was so hungry that he said: "Let's divide it and eat it right away."

So the old woman brought a big knife from the kitchen and was getting ready to cut the peach in half. But just then there was the sound of a human voice from inside the peach. "Wait! Don't cut me!" said the voice. Suddenly the peach split open, and a beautiful baby boy jumped out of the peach.

The old man and woman were astounded. But the baby said: "Don't be afraid. The God of Heaven saw how lonely you were without any children, so he sent me to be your son."

The old man and woman were very happy, and they took the baby to be their son. Since he was born from a peach, they named him Momotaro, which means Peach Boy. They loved Momotaro very much and raised him to be fine boy.

When Momotaro was about fifteen years old, he went to his father and said: "Father, you have always been very kind to me. Now I am a big boy and I must do something to help my country. In a distant part of the sea there is an island named Ogre Island. Many wicked ogres live there, and they often come to our land and do bad things like carrying people away and stealing their things. So I'm going to go to Ogre Island and fight them and bring back the treasure which they have there. Please let me do this."

The old man was surprised to hear this, but he was also very proud of Momotaro for wanting to help other people. So he and the old woman helped Momotaro get ready for his journey to Ogre Island. The old man gave him a sword and armor, and the old woman fixed him a good lunch of millet dumplings. Then Momotaro began his journey, promising his parents that he would come back soon.

Momotaro went walking toward the sea. It was a long way. As he went along he met a spotted dog. The dog growled at Momotaro and was about to bite him, but then Momotaro gave him one of the dumplings. He told the spotted dog that he was going to fight the ogres on Ogre Island. So the dog said he'd go along too and help Momotaro.

Momotaro and the spotted dog kept on walking and soon they met a monkey. The spotted dog and the monkey started to have a fight. But Momotaro explained to the monkey that he and the spotted dog were going to fight the ogres on Ogre Island. Then the monkey asked if he couldn't go with them. So Momotaro gave the monkey a dumpling and let the monkey come with them.

Momotaro and the spotted dog and the monkey kept on walking. Suddenly they met a pheasant. The spotted dog and the monkey and the pheasant were about to start fighting. But when the pheasant heard that Momotaro was going to fight the ogres on Ogre Island, he asked if he could go too. So Momotaro gave the pheasant a dumpling and told him to come along.

So, with Momotaro as their general, the spotted dog and the monkey and the pheasant, who usually hated each other, all became good friends and followed Momotaro faithfully. They walked a long, long way, and finally reached the sea. At the edge of the sea Momotaro built a boat. They all got in the boat and started across the sea toward Ogre Island.

When they came within sight of the island, they could see that the ogres had a very strong fort there. And there were many, many ogres. Some of them were red, some blue, and some black.

First the pheasant flew over the walls of the fort and began to peck at the ogres' heads. They all tried to hit the pheasant with their clubs, but he was very quick and dodged all their blows. And while the ogres weren't looking, the monkey slipped up and opened the gate of the fort. Then Momotaro and the spotted dog rushed into the fort and started fighting the ogres too.

It was a terrible battle! The pheasant pecked at the heads and eyes of the wicked ogres. And the monkey clawed at them. And the spotted dog bit them. And Momotaro cut them with his sword. At last the ogres were completely defeated. They all bowed down low before Momotaro and promised never to do wicked things again. Then they brought Momotaro all the treasure they had stored in the fort.

It was the most wonderful treasure you can imagine. There was much gold and silver and many precious jewels. There was an invisible coat and hat, and a hammer that made a piece of gold every time you hit it on the ground, and many other wonderful things. Momotaro and his three helpers carried all this in their boat back to the land. Then they made a cart and put all the treasure in the cart and pulled it back to Momotaro's house.

How happy the old man and woman were when they saw their son return safely from Ogre Island! They were very rich now with all the treasure that Momotaro had brought, and they all lived together very, very happily.

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Sunday, February 15, 2004

Welcome Bloody Roar Fans!
Alright! All Bloody Roar fans rejoice! I'm going to start up a stie eventually, the B.R.O.C., Bloody Roar Obsession Club. I'll put up a post to notify all of you when it's up. So never fear, more info to come soon! ^_~
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