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myOtaku.com: SangoKirara

Friday, December 23, 2005


Wow, it's been awhile since I have gotten on. A lot has happened since then. I know for Christmas I got:
1. Moulin Rouge DVD
2. Ayumi Hamasaki "My Story" CD
3. Natasha Bedingfield CD
4. CD player *MP3*
I only know this because my dad told me he ordered them off eBay, and the CD player, I was snooping around and found it.. I know, naughty naughty me! I'll tell you what the rest of my gifts are when I recieve them!

I decided I'm gonna ask Scott out when we go back to school. This is what I'm going to say:
"You know how you said you never had a girlfriend before? How about making me your first?" And I'll have big flirty eyes and EVERYTHING, I'll look super cute too. I have a Yahoo! 360 page and an Ayumi Hamasaki group. I've been so busy lately... BankotsusOnlyLove came up with a new word... I can't tell you though because she'll accuse me of giving you her *wonderful* word. :P Some of my friends were so nice enough to give me Merry Christmas pictures.
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From: Lilflaregymnast83

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From: Moonescape

Well bye bye people!

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