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myOtaku.com: Samurai 7

Tuesday, August 8, 2006


Im bored..... so bored anyone who is bored like me... pm me and i will pm you back! im listening to PCD and totally bored!!!! does anyone else here like yaoi? b4 i was like THATS SICK! but now light yaoi is not so bad.... butmy brother is being a total asshole..i have all my chores done and im getting yelled at cuz im on the computer. my brother has been on the computer aaaaaaaall daaaaaaaayyyyy and dad says nothing to hum.. THATS BULLSHIT! i swear my parents hate me. thats why they cant know i have a boyfriend. they think im gonna make the same mistake as my older sister. im not stupid! my bro nor my parents know kenji exsists and my bro doesnt use myotaku.com (thank god!) i talk to kenji on the fone but i have to talk in code cuz my parents like to listen in on my fone comversations and all. my paretns yell at me all the time even after my chores are done but with my brother its like *pats head* good boy!, for feeding the dogs. WTF! is with that! GOD I HATE THIS PLACE! and then they wonder why i hang with ppl that are full of piercings and black makeup! punks! ppl like me that cant stand thier parents! my mom is a webmaster and all so she always yells and never has time for me... let me think... when was the last time i talked to my mom for 5 mins strait without snapping????.hmmmmmmmmmm. maybe 2 years ago. and my dad? he has all the time in the world! but he prefers to look at porn on the net or sleep. so i sit alone in my room listening to my cd player that my mom took away god knows why! grrrrrrrrrr............ they had taken the comp for a few days, my only contact with the outside world! my friends wonder why my skin is so white! cuz i stay inside! 2 reasons. 1 i xant stand the sun cuz im inside all the time where my parents make me stay! 2 cuz pplz around here dont lie me cuz im a punk and dont like being around preps witch alot of ppl in this country are! i hate preps!!!

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