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myOtaku.com: Sakura Ryuu

Saturday, June 25, 2005

   I'm pooped...
Yes... its true... I am mentaly pooped...
I just got back from L.A. We went over to take my sis to the airport... she's on her way to England to study there during summer school... lucky buggers we are! She gets to go halfway around the world and have the U.S. pay for just about everything.... and I get the room to myself ^^

I'm so evil.... :3
I miss her already >_<

After leaving my sis at the LAX, we went to visit my aunt who lives not far away from the airport. She's more like my great-aunt, so she's kinda old... and recently very ill. I was very nauseous in her house, both emotionally and phisically. It made me sad that she's going through so much pain and pissed that her good-for-nothing sons don't even bother to clean after themselves. (they're 40, and are still living with their mom and don't even work... in fact, I don't think they even shower...) And physically cause the whole house was a mess. Well, its always been a mess. She's been known to be a packrat, and she used to be a babysitter, so her house has always been cluttered. But it was a clean clutter-ness. Now its just dirt. Toilets were all gross... there were dirty dishes... three-week old milk in the fridge... so gross. I don't blame my aunt for it... she's sick and can barely move around. Its those freakin idiots that still smooch off of her that I get pissed at. They should AT LEAST clean their own toilet and dishes... *GAH!* The only guy who's single and not working is Jonnie... and he doesn't have to work. He's a drummer for a band up north in Canada. Its called Econoline Crush. Supposedly, they were pretty good a few years back and even managed to get nominated for some weird thing that I'm guessing its like the Canadian Grammys... so I'm guessing he can at least pay his bills and stuff...

BTW, has any of my Canadian folks heard of that band?!? o.O
I need to find their song and post it here. Show off to everyone that I'm related to a rockstar *^^* (but then again, I don't think they'll be making it any bigger... *sigh*)
Here's a picture though...

Click on it if you guys want to learn more about them... the biography makes them sound pretty good ^^ Oh, and johnie is the ugly one with the goatee ^^ (he looks much better in person...)

Okay. I'm going to go now. Due to the fact that I am "pooped" I don't think I'm going to visit you guys today. But I'll make sure I'll do it tomorrow. I promise...

For now... pet your dog, not your date
~~Sakura Ryuu

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