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myOtaku.com: Sakura5

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

   The Light Went Out!!!!!!

Hi peoplzs!!!! How are you today!!!! Today I still wasn't feeling to well, then when it got to lunch Iwas really happy, and hyper!!!! My ankle was better, I wasn't limping anymore.LOL. Sry it reminded me of something I saw today, I'll tell you later. So I was like in my strings class(orcheastra), and I had to go tune someones violin, when I didn't even play a violin!!!! Well after I did that, I was in the practice room with Sean, and I kept asking him if he likes Lisa, and he wouldn't tell me, so I kept asking, and it was raining too. So then suddenly the light went out and you know how the practice room are Dark!!!! And our class didn't have any windows, so it was pitch black!!!! And I was scared of the dark, and I couldn't see anything, so I was like telling Sean that I don't like the dark, and he's like why? So then when the light turned back on my legs were on the chair close to me, kinda like curled up. I was freaked out, but if I was in there alone, then I would start to panick!!!! So when we got of class I kept asking him if he likes Lisa, and I said I would pinky promise not to tell her, and he said yes!!!!!! Awwww....how cute!!!!! Except, the thing is the other day she was holding another guys hand!!!!(shocked), and I mean I don't even have a boyfriend yet!!!!! I just want one because I like hugging people, and well I just want to hug him everyday, but not do those other things, you know like kissing, like maybe on the cheek.LOL. Well so like about the limping thing, my ankle does still hurt, and when I got out of school with KHanimeGrl, I saw a guy who was limping and it cracked me up, because it looked so funny!!!! Oh my gosh I was cracking up!!! You can even ask her, if I was luaghing. Well I had my test today, and I think I did ok.....I hope I got a B, and we did a bubble gum lab today too, if yourreading this KHanimeGrl the I laugh at you!!!!! JK,JK. Also my job that I told you guys about well, I'm about to start!!!! Were opening on the 27th, so seven more days!!!! We also get a shirt and a name tag!!!! Well I'm like free right now, but I don't think I'll be on for long today though. So talk to you all soon. Love ya!!! V.


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