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myOtaku.com: saiyuki chick

Tuesday, January 4, 2005

Well, fer the part that my current mood DOESN'T represent...happy new year...3 days late, from the slow person...^^;;; On to the irritating crap...
Today was my first day back to school...grrrrrrr >< I hate school!! Arrgg...oh well, life's a bitch, what can I do? I'm assuming most of ya started today, too, right? I hate the 1st week of the school year and the 1st week back from Christmas break. Even though I only got 2 new classes, eveything s still RULES, RULES, AND MORE FREAKING RULES!!!! Arrrrggggggg...><;;; *sigh* Oh well. So what did ya people do on new years? Anything exciting? I didn't do anything. I was at my brother's house again and we stayed up to watch the Chronicles of Riddick. It's a pretty cool movie. Other than that...nothing. Fer those of ya who didn't know...we're now in the year of the Rooster...ok, ok...not till January 25th, but close enough.so on the 24th, we can say goodbye to the year of the monkey. *sniff* Well I gotta go...be...bored, so I'll talk to ya later!! ^^

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