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myOtaku.com: Sage of Magic

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Okay, so a few days ago I went to the beach ^^ It was really fun (duh). Especially when compared with my last beach trip where the ocean floor was just swimming with sting rays and I had to leave early. Those little buggers are the very masters of disguise. But neways, I found tons of cool shells there. One was all red and pink, at first I thought it was a crab's claw. I also found a living sand dollar. They're even cooler looking when they're alive. They're covered in brown fuzzy hairs that move. If you pick one up (like I did) they form little spikes to try and poke you. I also made a sand castle from scratch. It was small, but at least it looked like a castle. It had windows and everything.
So yah, I had fun. I'm working on my drawings as fast as a distracted videogame obsessor can, but even so my progress isn't that impressive -_-"
I've been watching Chobits lately on youtube. I've reached episode 12. But there's just one thing that bugs me: when Chi (english) is reading that book with the little bunny that reminds me of a sock puppet. I mean, her voice paired up with those words is creepy....very creepy.
And you know those dreams where you fall but wake up before hitting the ground and how if you ever hit the ground you're dead, literally? Guess who hit the ground in her dream. Yup, I didn't wake up, I actually hit the ground full force and man is it painful. I'm not dead (obviously, how else could I write this?) but I felt like I broke both my legs. My body was screaming in pain. Do you ppl actually feel pain in your dreams? Cuz it seems everytime I get hurt in a dream I feel it. Ouch...

videogame fact o the day: In Donkey Kong (the first Mario game) Mario was a carpenter who was supposed to save Pauline...actually, at this point, Mario wasn't even Mario. He was JUMPMAN!!! Boy did that change.
And yes, I'm serious. Princess Peach used to be Pauline. -_-"

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