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myOtaku.com: Rufi

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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Hiei lover (08/22/04)

Hey love the site! Wutzup about the avatar? Anyway I got 1 more question to ask. How do you get your mouse to look like a penguien? Adding ya as a friend! Talk to ya l8er.
Ja ne!

Heavenly Mage (08/14/04)

I saw your site on tidus's so i finally decided to come.

Estansse Elessar (08/06/04)

hey I LOVE your site it's really cool and cute hope you come visit me sometime I'll add you as a friend!!

~*~~*~~AGAIN I LOVE YOUR SITE~~*~~*~

~~*~~*~~ PRINCESS ESTANSSE~~*~~*~~

p.s. i love grr ur song rox

mimiru chan (07/18/04)

Wh00t! Hiyo! Your site is so cool. o.o YAY! ^_^ *dance dance dance* Yay for Ed and Pandas!! XD

Chibi Devil Me (06/29/04)

HI! *waves* I REALLY like your site alot! ^-^ Especial your avatar and welcome sign! You must be a fan! ^-^ Yeah, me too. Well... I'll add you as a friend! Laterz!

kat and kess (06/28/04)

Hey. I like your site really much. Come to visit my site . I hope you will like it. Now i will add you as my friend .okay? Your avatar and your midi is really cute.
See ya. ^o^

~~~kat and kess~~~

Teia (06/06/04)

'Sup? You play the flutey? Me too! Me likeys yor site! ^_^ Can you pleeze come by mine and sign my gb? If you do, if yor a darkdweller, you should be careful of my site, coz it's really bright. Well, I'm addin' ya as a frend, K? Hope ya add me!
CYa laterz! ^_^

Love Shows Hate (05/31/04)

hey! i clicked random member and you popped up! i like your site and your art is awesome! i'm addin you as a friend!!! come by my site sometime!!!

iamdizzy (05/30/04)

i like your site...adding you as a friend...

Tsuyu (05/14/04)

Thanks for signing my gb. I really appreciate it. ^^ Thanks for the compliment... I... think. Well, I'll go add you as a friend now. C ya!


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