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myOtaku.com: Rose Lover

Thursday, March 3, 2005

Okay so 500 points to tiggerola, demonwings, inuyasha311 and raven8763 for commenting, 800 points for yuukichan for giving ideas, 1000 parts for meggido for taking part, 1000 points for hinaru for agreeing Whose Line is funny, and 1500 points for forbidden kitsune for writing out a scene. Well that was fun!
KuramaC: I still don't quite understand what that was all about.
Me: Then you never will.
KuramaC: So what can these people do with the points you've given them?
Me: Well, I was thinking I could do a little contest. We'll see how many points these people can earn in noon sunday.
KuramaC: What do they have to do to earn points?
Me: Well, they get 500 points for commenting and depending what kind of comments they give for my posts, they can earn more points!
KuramaC: What will they win?
Me: A banner made by me! So if you guys want to win, give me cool comments!

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