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myOtaku.com: Rogan Ackles

Monday, January 1, 2007

Dem & Darren Leisle
Chapter One:

Red and blue lights flashed in tune with the sirens. Women and children screamed, men yelling at the top of their voice asking where their loved ones were. Rain pelted down from the grey smoky sky only being illuminated by the flames licking at the buildings. Four dead, three critically injured and many still unknown. The Paramedics circled the street and the firemen aiming at the homes and businesses that were ablaze. Policemen wrote notes in their pads, documenting the casualties and putting them into body bags laid out on the street like sacks of meat. A young woman belted a Policeman because her son was still in the apartment. Tears rolled down her face as she forced the feeling of foreboding down her throat, recollecting the words she wished she could say. Debris was shot down to the street, falling onto cars and people, windows exploded from the heat and rain, the shards of glass fell to the ground. A loud explosion from the taller building made everyone scream, fire and furniture tunneled up into the air with the fire, the top half buckled and moaned under pressure. The people on the street looked up at the building and backed up a bit. The building broke apart, the flames roared and screeched as the top part of the building fell.
Policemen and Firemen yelled at everyone to move. Women screamed in terror, men grabbed women by their arms and yanked them out of the way. A young boy stood in the centre of the street, amazed and stunned by the fire and sounds from the falling building. His lonely mother rushed to his side and grabbed him, but it was too late in a matter of seconds the fiery building would kill them both. The mother pushed her son down, the other people screamed and gasped, when the building crashed to the ground but it stopped, it had faulted in mid air. The building was still on fire, it was but a centimeter away from the mother and child. It was a miracle, but who caused it? A big flash of lightning made the whole street glow; another boom of the thunder entered the bodies of the cold and traumatized people. Next to an ambulance were two twins, females. Their long black and purple hair wet and blowing in the wind. The oldest wore a pink t-shirt that covered a stripy long sleeved shirt and blue jeans. The youngest wore a black tank top, stripy sleeves and blue jeans. Their black joggers were muddy and their faces were determined and still, Psychics. They had stopped the building top that was ablaze with telekinesis. Firemen raced to the mother and child, rushing them to safety. The girls held on the building until they released it; the building continued its course and exploded on the road. Pipes, cement and other architecture was blown to all parts of the street, people duct but some where to slow. A large metal pipe was flying rapidly towards an elderly man and his grandson. The girl in the pink t-shirt looked towards the old man and her fingers sparked a blue colour, transparent to everything in the neighborhood. She flicked her fingers towards him and a blue bubble surrounded the old man in time for the pipe to bend on contact to the force field.

- - - - - - - -

The rest of the civilians had been rushed off to the emergency ward for further treatment to make sure they were healthy. Firemen and Policemen wandered around the wreckage, the debris from the building was smoldering. The rain had slowly dissipated; the smoky cloud had only just lifted up. The sirens still sounded through the street and household people looked out of there balconies at the fire.
“Detective Riley.” The twins faced a tall thin man. Slender and mysterious like from old detective movies. He wore a grey hat on and a grey trench coat. The only time you sore his face was when he lifted his head to expel smoke. He turned around and stared down at the girls; he threw his cigarette to the wet ground and rubbed it into the cement.
“Ah, the Leisle twins.” He grabbed the top of his hat and took it of in a bow format. His brown scruffy hair was flattened, probably from the hat and sweat. He had small green eyes that were symmetrical in his face. The girls smiled at him softly. “Dem, are you wearing pink?” Detective Riley look stunned, the once solitude girl wearing a girls colour of pink.
“Yes well, Darren dressed me this morning.” The oldest twin, Dem looked at her child like sister in exasperation.
“My-my Darren, a tank top in this weather. You are brave.” The Detective swayed a little.
“It is always good to accessorize.” Darren put her hands on her hips and smiled at the Detective. She was innocent and charming, always good for getting what you want. Dem rolled her eyes. “Detective Riley, what happened here, is it a 419 or a 622?” Dem looked right into Riley’s eyes, not faulting with his eye movements.
“419. A Possible arson.” Riley turned around and looked at the building. “It wasn’t caused by gas or anything. No one has any clue how it started but we have pin pointed the location it started.” Riley put his hands in his pockets as he examined the expressions on the girl’s faces.
“Right, it started in the office cubical, 4 up and 6 across.” Darren looked up at the building as reconstructing what it looked like. Riley stared at her but knew of her power.
“Quit right. We believe it might be a Demonic arson.” Riley forced a snicker as he consulted the twins.
“Well.” Dem stepped forward and examined the scene. “Well it is magical, but I wouldn’t say Demonic.” Dem whirled around with her hands on her hips and nodded to her sister. “Ok thanks Detective, we got it from here.” Dem walked past Riley and collected her sister and they started to leave the scene. Riley stood there with his mouth open, even after all of this, it was still amazing that they need not a lot of information to be able to help.

- - - - - - - -

Dem and Darren walked up to the car, the black convertible, with pull up doors, cockpit type seats and windows. The car was like a torpedo. Dem went over to the driver’s side and looked over the top of the car at Darren.
“A fire starting without an accelerant, a magical aurora surrounding the scene, this isn’t making much sense.” Dem put her arm on the roof of the car and looked over to the road.
“Well, I did sense an evil presence there; the perp was there when we were.” Darren and Dem looked at each other with a confident look. “Best go see them then.” Dem nodded at Darren. Dem lifted up the car door and hopped in. Dem reached and turned the keys, the engine roared and rumbled underneath them. Dem put her foot down on the gas and the car took off down the road. The street lights flashed past the car, illuminating the cockpit type car, Darren looked out the window at the other cars. The car was getting close to where they needed to be, Dem pushed the stick into 4th gear and put her foot down on the gas. “Nearly there.”
Mountains started to form and the sea was starting to appear. On the edge of the cliff were steel polls keeping it a safe way for cars. Dem put her foot down and the car took off, it was getting closer to the cliff.
“Not yet.”
“Not yet.” The car was getting really close to the cliff face, the engine roaring and the tires scratching at the gravel.
“Now!” Darren reached forward and pushed a button with a plane on it. The car grumbled underneath them, gears grinded. The car smashed through the steel polls provided by safety and was plummeting to the ocean. There was a click and then the car changed. The wheels folded into the bottom, an opening in the doors opened up and wings flicked out from the sides, the back of the car folded in and two rockets came out. With a bang nitrous and fuel exploded from the rockets and the once car was turned into a plane. Dem reared the plane up and the force of the rockets blew up the ocean in a wave, the plane revved and swiveled a little and then shot across the surface. Darren let out a yell of excitement while Dem stared down at the ocean; the ocean was beautiful it held many secrets.
The cockpit was still the same as it was when the plane was a car; the only modification was that the seats were smaller for the machine had made room for the rockets. Dem tapped the steering wheel every now and then and looked of to the horizon. Darren reached forward and pushed a few buttons on the navigator.
“30 degrees longitude and 45 degrees latitude arriving momentarily, we are nearly at the destination Dem.” Darren sat back observing the world map as it pinpointed the voice recognition. A red light beeped in the position instructed. Dem took her eyes of the ocean and looked at the navigator. “Ok then. Nearly there,” A large land mass appeared in front of them, in the middle of the ocean. They both smiled in unison. They were nearing their destination. The island was delicate and serene, a large mountain in the centre and a facility at its base, large tropical trees and animals everywhere.
“Asgard.” said Darren with a smile.

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