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Thursday, September 16, 2004

Fun fun fun....
Blue Hair!
Blue Hair! Famous Blue Heads Akane from Ranma 1/2 &
Ami from Sailor Moon!

~* What Anime Haircolor would you have? *~
brought to you by Quizilla

You would be an Amazon! A powerful and rebellious
woman which loves her sisters. A born leader
who knows how to kick ass!

What kind of mystical creature would you be? (( ..-.. for girls ..-.. ))
brought to you by Quizilla

A warm bath is the right for you!
Bubble-Bath! Lay back and enjoy the power of water.
Listen to music or have a drink during the bath
and you'll feel like new person!

What 'Cheer-up Action' on a bad day do you need?
brought to you by Quizilla


You become the Angel of Fun!
Playful Angel! Sunbeam in the end.

What kind of Angel are you? .._..contains Anime pictures.._..
brought to you by Quizilla

Sexy Beauty!
Sexy Beauty! I don't know why but every move you do
looks so sexy. You like that but you don't pay
a lot attention on looking sexy, you just are
it, enough said.

What kind of beauty are you? .._..contains Anime pictures.._..
brought to you by Quizilla

That's all folks..... zzzzzzz

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ROWL!!! X3 *runs off 2 please more pple*
sweet catgirl
Your a sweet catgirl.
Shugary sweet and always trying to do the right
thing, helping out the needy and and smiling
sweety are what you do best. But your never
going to brag, thats why people love you so
much. Except..when your driving us insane with
your over amout of kindness.

What Anime Cat-girl are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

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-.- oh man waz I tired... I just woke up from like a 6 hour nap...

Y waz I so sleepy...? Well 3 1.things I'm always sleepy 2.I had stayed up till like 5-6AM finishing my story.... and 3.I went to a japanese culture club thing @ my school 2day....

Hmmmmmm what to ramble endlessly on about??? I think I'll start with my story 1st cuz if I don't I'm gonna explode...

Ok my story iz on Fanfiction.net and anyway it's called "What is their Last Name?" ~a Kingdom Hearts story~ Well it's a really funny story *if I do day so myself* Well all of my friends are like mad @ me because I had wrote 2 versions of the story. 1 rated PG due to swearing *the 1 they read* and 1 rated PG13 *no 1 except the pple who care on FF.net have seen this 1* Well in the non-edited version donald goes through this huge temper tantrum but he says a # of nawty words... Well me writing thiz @ 5AM so it seemed very funny 2 me at the time... -.- Well I showed it 2 my mom 2 proof read my work and she told me 2 edit the swearing out due to it threw off the flow of the story... so reading my work again t myself after sleeping 4 like 10 hours I agreed that the flow was thrown off so I edited it and I left the original version to disappear within the sands of time....

Ok now time to ramble endlessly about the Japanese club! Welllllllll we didn't really talk about much... I drew a ton of pictures... and they said something about an anime convention... I was like O.O ok now you got my attention! the convention iz sometime in Oct. in da windy city of CHICAGO!!! X3 BWAHAHAHAHA 2 all u pple who aren't me :3 *ok I'm sry all of u pple who arent me pls 4give me*

Well that's all 4 now folks... I'm going back 2 bed cuz I'm sleepy again.......... -.-

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Wednesday, September 8, 2004

I almost got my sis pulled oer by a cop when me and her were out... LOL we were listening 2 some really catchy tunes and I was so hot so I turned on my side and floped my feet out the car window... Heh ^^; Well I wazn't paying much attention *i never do* and we pass a cop car and I like OH MY FLIPPIN' GOD!!! I put my feet down and my sis just laughed @ me... I SWEAR the cop saw me... *O WELL!!!* well we're on our way back and I did it again and get thiz... I SWEAR the cop waz there again... *feh* well anyway I did the same az before and we got away clean... *ain't I NAWTY!?!?!?!* well cops r morons and I'm glad they are... O well no 1 got in troubble and I still got an invigerating rush... how fun iz my life...

O mom took me over 2 target to get a few things 4 my sis and I found a DVD of Final Fantacy Unlimeted... OMG THE DVD FRIKKIN' ROX!!!!!!! O.O well anyway in 1 of the preview things *u no the annoying subtiles of up comming movies that show b4 ur movie starts?* n-e way there was a thing thatr said *can't get enough anime? Well ANIME NETWORK is for u anime 24/7... 365 That's right u heard me right... well it said that u can get it through VOD *vidio on demand* or call ur cable provider... *bla bla bla yack yack yack...* sooooooooooooo my mom is gonna call the cable provider so we can get the channel cuz' we can't find it in the on demand thing... *or more SHE can't find it* soooooooooo hopefully by 2 marrow I SHALL BE THE RULLER OF EVERY ANIME ON THE TV!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!

Sora: Bow down 2 the almighty RFC!
Tyson: LET IT RIP RFC!!!
RFC: Yes, yes calm down my lackies...
*Throws Inuyasha out a windo into a pit of milk bones*
Yugi: Have you seen my puzzle?
*RFC hides puzzle behind back*
Sora: Hey my keyblade is gone 2!
*RFC hides that behind back 2*
Chi: Panties -points-
*everyone looks behind RFC @ a giant pile 6x her size*
RFC: Err I can explain...
Chibi Pocky: I'm All Alone, I'm All Alone, I'm All Alone...
Eveyone: Where the He** did u come from???
CP: I stole 1 of Kisho's Chocobo's
Chocobo: I'LL EAT U... I'll Eat U ALL!!! -charges-

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Saturday, September 4, 2004

Fun fun fun...... ??? how do they know thiz? I've never had a kiss b4.... *X Files music plays* AHHHH LEAVE MY BRAIN ALONE!!!!

Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...
Your kiss is...breath taking
Your hugs are...gentle
Your eyes...burn into my heart
Your touch is...irresistable
Your smell is...exotic
Your smile is...encouraging
Your love is...one of a kind
Quiz created with MemeGen!

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Sunday, August 29, 2004

Your weapon is a Dao!
Dao! The chinese Kung-Fu Sword! This attack weapon
is wild and powerful. Used by the soldiers in
the old chinese Army. the Dao is often compared
with a furious tiger.

What's your Weapon? .._..contains Anime pictures.._..
brought to you by Quizilla

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Thursday, August 26, 2004

I LOVE MY ART CLASS!!!!! I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!! Ok what happened 2day waz half the class waz missing due 2 an assembly that the juniors had 2 go 2... Anyway so the teacher wouldn't have 2 repeat hiz class he put on a movie... and the movie
that we watched waz Princess Monoke *did I spell that right???* And I mean OMG I never thought EVER in my life an art teacher would ever show an anime EVER!!! and plus I have never seen Princess Monoke and the entire time I never took my eyes of the screen and I had my mouth open... I mean OMG that movie waz so cool! there were a few parts though i thought were gross like when the guys arms got shot clean off and the other guy's head was shot clean off 2 and then the part when the boar's skin disintegrated right off the thing *eww >.<* but other than that I thought the movie was good... although I only got to the part where he discovers that woman's secret about making more powerful wepons... *NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I WANNA C THE REST OF THE MOVIE!!!!!!* poop... Well I'm of to search the net 4 a place where I can buy the movie C YA!!!!

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   WEEE!!! I had a very fun 1st day! and I have NO homework... yet
Well to start my day off I have art 1st period *WOO HOO start's doing outdated dances like the robot and the split* Well my art teacher iz a man and OMG he actually knows who Inuaysha iz I mean I have never met any one who was older than me *other than my family* who knew who Inuyasha was!!! *wow* Well anyway He said that 1st we're gonna be working on still art a little and then l8er on he iz gonna make us draw an original charecter and then he's gonna guid uz in how to make different poses *I Can't make different poses in my charecters 2 save my own life... well maby 2 do that* lol he also said that we're gonna be working on a comic strip *can't do that either* But I'm not going to give up!!! *stands on orange crate* lol X3 Well n-e way I hope 2 get alot outta thiz class!

2nd period pre-Algebra *did u ever notice there iz the word BRA in that??? I mean WHAT'S UP WITH THAT?

3rd period Biology *techer says we aren't going 2 disect anything YAY PARTY*

4th period Study hall *NAP TIME!!!*

5th period lunch YAY FOOD!!! *bites into unsuspecting person*

6th period FRESH english *I got lost finding the class and then I get there and my teacher looks like she just rose up from the grave... SCARY O.O

7th period Chorus *Start's singing songs like "Simple and Clean", and "Dearest"*

8th period Gym *Passes some poor soul being eaten aliave by a demon crow from Inuaysha once dead a vulture comes along to finish the job* Isn't my school scary???

well that's all of my fun classes the only thing I hate the school 4 iz no 1 told me how to open my locker. The lockers came with locks and 2 open the lock you go right-left-right then after the combo iz in you should hear a click then you turn the lock to the right az far az it will let you then the lock will pop open by itself... Feh no 1 tells me anything... EVER I never ener get told anything that I'm supposed 2 know... *did I mention EVER?* I only got my lock open after I went up 2 the office and THEY told me what I do... so the entire day I luged around my back pack... It wasn't that heavy but still... o well that's all that was a drag...

O wait there iz 1 more thing that ticked me off! I found the cutest pic *or atleast I think it's cute* of Sora and Riku they are bouth angels and Sora iz crying and riku's comforting him... and everyone keeps looking @ the pic like it's an abomination from He**
I mean if only shows the upper part of their bodies and you can't evan see anything!!!! *grr stab stab* But I mean the keep saying it looks wrong... geez I mean if they were kissing that would be a TOTALLY different story... but they're not so I don't see a problem... I'm planing on drawing it soon so ya... *stab stab again* grrrrrr Oh well I'm going back 2 bed night night...

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Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Clear blood! Pure and fresh. You love the nature
and you are very honest and kind person.
Sometimes you are a bit naive but you are free.
you have the blood of the independent ones,
enjoy this!

What is your true blood color?
brought to you by Quizilla

Your Inner Eye color is green!

What's your Inner Eye color ? (new pics ^^v)
brought to you by Quizilla

What feeling are you?

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O.O Scary pic! But FLCL rocks so I don't care...

You should wear : Pink
Sweet and rebellious.
You look very sweet in your pink clothes but we
should not underestimate you. Pink symbolizes a
strong character, go you!

What color should you wear?
brought to you by Quizilla
pink iz sutch a girly golor... >.< But then again I guess it's not that bad... but

You should wear : Yellow
Sunny and kind. Wow, special, really special.
Yellow is difficult to wear but it has a great
effect. Let the sun shine girl!

What color should you wear?
brought to you by Quizilla

and I'm not sad about messing up my site no more!!! :3

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Sunday, August 22, 2004

omg I screwed up my site soooo bad.... az u can c.... tecno cat if u come round my site can u pls help me!?!?!?!?! *starts begging* my site iz wrecked... *crys* heres a qiz tho...
You are Selphie. You're cute and cuddly on the
outside, but pack quite a punch within.

Which Final Fantasy VIII character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

*leaves a great big bag of sadness*

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