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myOtaku.com: resengun

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

2007 sucks
well u no i told u all about wat happened on new years well i thought i`d update u all on wat happened after i left.
well the guy who was making all the arguements ended up getting into a fight with four people outside the pub we were in all i no is that he had his teeth kicked in gat a broken nose a black eye and a bust lip so in a way im glad i left cause i cant stand the thought of hurting anything person or animal and even tho we were argueing and he was being a prat he is still a friend (aint i forgiving? lol) and if i were there i would have ended up fighting as well not that it would have made much difference.

but then i wish i were there so that i could have helped him (i no i said that already) and i no that that contradicts wat i said about not liking the thought of hurting any1 but friends are friends arnt thay? if you can`t help a friend then who can u help?

anyway he is ok now but the other guy who was there (the 1 who wasn`t argueing with me) he got so anoyed about our friend getting beaten up that he hit a window and that ended up cutting his arm just below his wrist so he had to go to the hospital to get glued and stitched back together he`s ok as well tho. the other guy who was there just ended up with the first guys blood on him from wair he supported him to the hospital (it was just around the corner).

so with that all said and even if u have read this far (i no ur probably all board by now) to top it all off i took a day off work on tuesday and got into aload of trouble today for it even tho i explained that im sick (im coming down with the flu) the big boss wants to talk to me now but i dont really care cause im going to jack-in by the end of febuarry anyway that is if i aint sacked by then and yes even tho i have the flu im still working im trying to burn it out (well not actually BURN but work it off) god it sucks working outside sometimes and were ment to have snow next week as well *shivers*

oh yea before i forget my bestfriend is now out of his relationship of 2 years and he is so gutted even tho he ended it but before u ask it was because he wasnt happy in it not that she wasnt a great woman or anything he aint told me much detail tho and the last thing is that my middle sister (i dont no wat else to refer to her by as i have 3 of them) has been kicked out cause she causes to many arguements and has no respect for any1`s things this has been going on for years and i`m suprised this hasn`t happened sooner.

well another post of crap but my life is boaring lately so u`ll have to forgive me. later :-)

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