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myOtaku.com: RenFanXO

Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

   Having an off day....
I had the chance.... I could have asked... But NO I had to be an idiot and be all SHY about it... Now he likes another girl!! I'm gonna cry!! I never knew how much I liked him till he was out of my reach... Stupid Sean... Stupid Hat.... Okay about the hat. Me and my friend Samantha fight over my friend Sean's hat all the time. When it started to seem like we would rip the hat he would try to get it away from us. He would chase one of us around (Depending on who had the hat) trying to get his hat back. But the only reason I took the hat is because it was his... Then I found out that he liked Samantha.... What a shocker.... I drew and colored a pic of me as a Half cat wearing his hat. This is it:

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Friday, July 29, 2005

   just stuff
wow.... not much to say... I guess.... I bought two new manga. Vol 10 of Fruits basket, and Girl Got Game. I just finished reading the 6th Harry Potter book.... I'm going to a water park with my best freind on Saturday, and my hair feels really matted. (I haven't washed it in a while) The only desent thing left to eat in my house is Ramen, and my printer has a mind of its own.
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Wednesday, July 20, 2005

I AM SOOOO SORRY About the last few things I have said!! I feel horrible about it! I was having a very bad day. And my temper gets out of hand sometimes. To any one who read my last few posts. I REALLY didn't want to be rude.... I'm really sorry.

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Tuesday, July 19, 2005

   I'm so depressed.....
How sad is it that I've seen so many GuyxGuy pics. I wish I could smack the people who draw them but sadly I can't do that over the internet. Those Stupid people don't know what there talking about. I am most posative that these people either don't go to Church or don't care enough to pay attention in Church, because is they did they would know it is wrong in God's eyes to be gey. Any one who says otherwise has obviosly no brain at all. I have friends who say "Oh, they can't help it if there gey." But they can help it. Its there choice to be gey or not. Either you walk with the Devil or you don't. If I had my bible with me then I'd type a verse to go with this whole paragraph. Anyways thats it for now. (My next paragraph won't be so religious.)
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Thursday, July 14, 2005

   Its just the way I am.
Sorry to say this, but if I don't like your pictures I will let you know in the meanest way possible. Its not like I try to be mean. But my critisism can be pretty rough. But trust me I know when my pics suck, so don't bother telling me that they do because I usually already know. Outside of art critisism I'm accually a pretty nice person. Wow, hard to believe isn't it. I have one warning though. Never talk about gey anime couples around me. Most of the gey anime couples people think up, the characters they coupled aren't even gey. That is what makes my blood boil. So please don't talk to me about gey couples. Unless you WANT to be my enemy. If you want me to hate you beond anything and everything, than just say that Ren is gey or that he's a good match with Horohoro! Come on I DARE you!! I have a long list of horrible and painful things to do to those who do dare.
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