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myOtaku.com: Renachan101

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Hey Everyone
I'm quite bored. But last night was interesting because i was doing a buddy chat with my two friends and my boyfriend. My friend delared himself to be "Zabuza-san" so i started freaking out and asking him if he would teach me his water justu's ^^ So yeah that makes us all freaks. But Nate's got an ego problem. Here's what he said my and my friend's chakura levels where.
Nate: Unlimited (yeah right)
Donald: Enough to fill a paper cup (donld then commented saying that that paper cup must be huge)
Mason: Enough Chakura to fill one of those little medicine cups (not the droppers)
Me: The chakura of a bug
So yeah Nate's got an ego problem and he thinks he's Zabuza. So yeah im gonna kick his butt the next time i see him cause i do not have the chakura level of a bug.

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