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myOtaku.com: Remadi

Sunday, December 18, 2005

King Kong
Went and saw King Kong Friday night with Rachael and Laura. I enjoyed it. *Very* nice special effects. And I admit, I shed a tear or two.

Was talking to Erin on IM Thursday night and told her I was going to go see it. She went and saw it with Kris the Wednesday. She was amazed that he hadn't seen it. Then I admitted I hadn't seen it and she was flabergasted. Gave me a link (http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2005/12/05) to look at. I went and read the comic and then had to IM her telling her that *I* didn't know that Kong died. It was really funny, though, because you could've replaced the two guys with me and Erin and we would've had the *exact* same conversation. Well, she probably wouldn't have used The Passion, but there would have been some silly spoiler like that in the conversation.

So, since I could see us in that position, I couldn't be as mad as I had wanted to about that spoiler.

I hate spoilers. I really do. I'm violently against them and all of my friends know it. They're usually pretty good about not telling me spoilers (and if they aren't all I have to do is mention gagging and they're pretty good.)

The movie that I had been *planning* to go see was actually Brokeback Mountain, which I've been looking forward to. It's been getting great critic recognition all over, including seven Golden Globe nominations. Despite all of this, the theater where we were going to see it at, took it off there list and ended up not showing it. The closest place to us that was actually playing it was Miami, I think, which is like 5 hours away. >.< Not happy. Now I have to wait until January 6th to see it.

Rachael left yesterday morning to go up to be with her biological mother and her family. I miss her already. ;_; She's supposed to be gone until the 3rd. I come home and she leaves.

So sad.

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