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myOtaku.com: Remadi

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Yes! So I /finally/ got a job. After looking for about 2 months and not getting anything. I'm so happy. And relieved. Had to borrow money from my parents for next month's rent payment, but at least they aren't charging me interest. (And wouldn't you know that I would find signs for hiring at *four* different places after getting this job yesterday.) It's a nice job with the hours I wanted and definately better pay. I figured I would be getting minimum wage, but it's a couple dollars more. Can definately use all the money I can get.

Still haven't heard back from USF. I'm hoping to transfer there for the Spring semester and finally got all of my stuff into them. Now I have to wait. I hate waiting. It sucks. I don't know what's taking them so long either, because they've had most of my stuff for a while now. Grr. I'm a person who wants instant gratification. I want to know now. Oh well, guess I'll just have to wait.

Hurricanes. Another grr. I can't believe that we're already on Wilma. W. Crazy. I hope it doesn't come near us until at least Sunday. I want to go to a Halloween party/anime thing on Saturday. We'll see, I guess.

I have a test in Japanese on Friday. Not looking forward to it. I actually don't know a lot of this vocabulary and haven't been studying. Yes, bad me. The only good thing that is coming out of it is that this guy that I kind of like is going to be studying with me tomorrow for it. Just him and me. Yay. ^^ And he sat next to me in class today. And we talked. Happy. ^^

This post is probably long enough. I'll stop for now. Lost is on tonight! At least one of my shows in showing this week. Stupid baseball preempting Prison Break. >_< ...Okay, I'm really done now. *goes to make supper*

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