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Sunday, August 27, 2006

WHOOO! I got me new MP3!! It even plays video! Bad news is, I was able to download some things, but now I can't download anything else cuz teh program isn't working... Also, I downloaded songs on my playlist and I it also downloaded songs I've never even heard of!! I can't even figure out how to delete them! I'm not even sure I can! At least I still got it. Just for the heck of it I put my Naruto Online Chats on it. Now I can watch them whenever I want.

In other news, we're getting some hardwood floor in our hallway! Thing is, my dad is making so much noise it's driving me crazier!!! Bang! bang! bang! with that hammer!! At least when it's done I can go sock skating in it. I hope it's slippery enough... :P

I also had a weird dream last night. Well, I had 2 I think but I'll tell u the weirder one. Lovinmanga4eva, u were in it! Pandas I think were trying to take over the world! Or at least a mall. There were a few big ones, but there were millions of tiny ones that could fit in the palm of my hand! So cute! Anywayz, there was some kind of bridge in the mall. So Vicki (Lovinmanga4eva) and I were just chillin in some lounge chairs and watching the pandas do their thing. The Sanji from One Piece walked by us. I forget what he said but he was working for the pandas! So Vicki and I went exploring and stuff avoiding the evil pandas. Vicki started goofing off (ha ha Vic) and we got seperated somehow. I think she went to play under a table... Then this lady asked me to take things off the shelf (She was a nice lady but she was working for the pandas, so she was evil) and there was a whole bunch of yugioh cards (I like Yugioh cards even though I don't buy them anymore. It's just fun to even open the packs. I know. I'm easily entertained) and cool anime video games. Since the lady was evil I though about stealing some and then.... I think I woke up. There were some other things that happened too, but they're really fuzzy...

Since my theme for now is Haku, I found and AMV about him! Here ya go! It's by Haku0526 on youtube.

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Saturday, August 26, 2006

Dot... Dot... Dot...
Well, here's what basically happened yesterday. My dad and I went to buy me a new MP3 player. We pretty much went everywhere, but no luck. My mom showed me one in an ad a little while ago that looks really cool and has a good price. Hopefully I'll get that one. Oh, there was also a bad thunderstorm here last night. I think it lasted through midnigh to about 4:30 a.m. my cat, Shaolin, woke me up around 4 meowing cuz she was afraid of the lightning. So I put her under the covers with me and petted her and she calmed down. Of course, I didn't fall back asleep until about 7 I think... That cat is lucky I love her very much and she's cute...

Oh yeah! I forgot to post this the other day, but Emeline and I went to the mall and we went in the toy store and we saw one of those parrots that repeat everything you say. So I bought it! :D I saw it before in a store and my dad was gonna buy it but it was expensive. He kept saying the "A" word in the store and the parrot kept repeating it. There were little kids around! -_- Bad dad. So even though the parrot can only record for about 3 seconds, it's a lot of fun to annoy my mom with and stuff. Emeline really enjoyed playing with it too... I also like making it say things like "I will make it rain blood." and "I will steal your soul." Lol. Oh, and Emeline and I named him Mohawk. I love Mohawk...

Also, I finally finished my next AMV. This doesn't have to do really with Naruto or FMA. I made it specifically for my uncle. My Pop-Pop told me to try to make him somthing to make him feel really bad so he'll stop smoking. Hey, it was a lot more fun than making a card. And I got my mom to cry a little. I just hope that he does... Here it is if you want to see it.

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Friday, August 25, 2006

La la la.
Well, yesterday my friend Emeline did come over, but she they got a flat tire or something so she was late. We had fun. She taught me the Cotton eye Joe. (I know u tried to teach it to me Lovinmanga4eva buy I wasn't paying much attention...) I know it's pathetic I didn't learn it until now, but I never really had the chance to before. Anywayz, I got invited to my first Batmitzva (I'm sorry I don't know how to spell it). Thing is, I have to wear a dress! T~T NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Well, my other friend is going who doesn't like wearing dresses either, so that makes me feel a bit better. Dresses are evil and girly! But, I do look good in them. :P Lol. Anywayz, for those who read my fanfic on quizilla, it's coming out late... again... but I haven't had too much time on the computer cuz I've been a bit pre-occupied the past few days. When I am on the computer I'm working on an AMV for my uncle. It's almost done, but I don't think it came out to well. Then again, I can't really judge it. I usually try to make funny ones, but this one is supposed to be kind of sad... *sigh*

My friend Emeline showed me this. I'm not really a fan of Les Miserables (then again I've never even seen it), but the drawings here are really good!! (It has cat peoplez!) (By Brofine on youtube)

I think this vid is really cool! Who ever did this has quite a lot of talent!

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Thursday, August 24, 2006

Just wanted to type that one of mice, Pumpkin, the one with the leg swolen to a size bigger than its head, has passed on. Poor Pumpkin. I feel bad for the other mouse, Akna, a.k.a. Cow, cuz neither my mom nor I can take it out of its cage until my dad gets home. At least she's out of her pain...

Click Here to get this from FreeFlashToys.com!

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Some stuff...
Anywayz, yesterday I went to a park with Vicki (Lovinmanga4eva) to catch minos for her pond. At first, I was a total spazz. I went in barefooted and kept stepping on pointy rocks and almost falling. Then my mom sadi I could go in with my sneakers, since they were old. I still sometimes almost fell... -_-' Anywayz, I caught 2 minos! We caught 2 all together! Lol. Also, at one point I was falling and I had the net (We only had one...) and I hit the net against the rock and kinda broke it beyond decent repair. It was kinda funny... Also at one point, I saw these 2 fairly big fish, and they were slow, so I thought I could catch one and when I was about she said "Hey! A watersnake!" And I screamed "WHERE?!" very loudly and scared the fish away... The snake wasn't even near me... After that we went to her house and played Sims. We made one of them look like Rock Lee and made him get a job... Also, it was Vicki's (Lovinmanga4eva's) First time to go to the adult karate class with me! Yayz! Of course, the instruter said since it was her first adult class we got an extra hard work-out! By the end of it I really thought I was gonna faint! We blamed the minos for all the misery. They planned it somehow!! Also, after karate my dad took me to get a new MP3. Turns out, they were discontinuing them, so they must of had some problems... We just returned and and I can keep my eyes peeled for a new one. Oh, and today my friend Emeline is supposed to come over at 11, and now it's 11: 17. I wonder if she forgot, cuz she's usually never late...

BTW, do u like the music?

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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Nana's and MP3s
Well, my Nana's was pretty boring. I got to look at some really old pictures, and I liked that. I love looking at old pictures for some reason... We also played a game of Scrabble. I won. ^-^ Anywayz i got home at about 9 or so and by the computer and there's a brand new MP3 player! And today I was gonna try to get some songs on it but then it said it was gonna add pics to the library on my computer so I said yes. Then what it was done I think it was trying to put ALL of them on my MP3! So I unpluged the MP3 and it hasn't been working! I hope it starts workin! had it for a day!
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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Quick Post
Ok. I have like 1 minute to make this post. So, anywayz, yesterday I hit over 20,000 video veiws! YAAAAAAAAAAY! Also, here's a video! It's not mine. It's fullmetalcan's (Youtube). Enjoy!

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Monday, August 21, 2006

   *Sigh* Grr...
Hi peoplez, wazzup? Anyways, I got up at 11 today cuz I fell asleep late. I usually NEVER sleep that late. Usually 10:30 at the most. Anywayz, it turns out to be cleaning day and my mom's in a horrible mood! She thinks I stayed in bed cuz she thinks i heard the vacumn and that I tried to get out of cleaning! That's a lie!!! And she is just GRRRR!ing today. Evil eyes... scary. Anywayz, to make matters worse she tells me today that I have to go over my Nana's house tomorrow cuz she and my Pop-pop are going to the Casino! So I may not post tomorrow... I love my Nana and all but I was alomost BORED TO DEATH last time! She JUST got new phones and an answering machine and only the TV in the basement has cable. And something's wrong with the VCR... T~T I don't wanna go... Anywayz, my mom is in such an evil mood I TMed my dad to warn him! And I think she just takes anger out on us cuz I listened (Ok maybe evsdroped) on a phone call and she sounded all normal. She's like that a lot... Anywayz, I guess I should understand her point of veiw to, that she gets like this when cleaning and stuff, but I also think I have a right to be angry. I mean, she just only gave me HALF of my allowance! i slacked off a little, but still did an ok job! I'll bring it up with her when she's in a better mood, and maybe when my dad's around so I'm a little safer... ^-^'

Anyway, since people seemed to like it, I decded to put up the 3rd part of my Naruto School story. Here ya goes!

(Everyone gets off the school bus except Shikamaru, who is sleeping...)

Vicki: (Takes some of the water she carries around and dumps it on Shikamaru's head.)

Shikamaru: (Wakes up) What'd you do that for!?

Vicki: Sorry. Did I mess up your girly pony-tail?

Shikamaru: Grr... Girls are so troublesome...

Jess: Hey! Do you want us to start poking you again?

Shikamaru: NOOO! IT BURNS!!! (Runs off bus screaming into the school)

Vicki: Wow. I've never seen Shikamaru run before...

Jess: Yeah...Hey. We never got to compare our classes!

Vicki: Let's do it now.

Jess: K! (Looks over classes with Vicki) Yay! We're in all the same classes!

Vicki: I'm a little afraid...the teachers...

(Here's the List Of Teachers and Classes and stuff, mostly for your referance!)

Pricipal: Mr. Hokage
Gym: Anko
Swimming and Art: Jiraiya
(Nurse: Tsunade)
Music: Asuma (Ino's jounin)
Cooking: Orochimaru
Sewing: Ebisu
Woodshop: Baki (Gaara's sensei)
Metalshop: Ibiki
English: Kakashi
Math: Gai
Science: Kurenai (Hinata's Jounin)
Social Studies: Iruka
(Cafeteria worker: Ayame (From Ramen Shop) ANBU are hall moniters)

Jess: Yes. Be afraid. Be very afraid. (Jess and Vicki walk into the school. Orochimaru is carrying a cake down the hallway.)

Vicki: Ohh! Cake!

Jess: Can we have some?

Orochimaru: Uhh.. Sorry. I have to uhh.. give this delishious cake to the pricipal before it explodes...I mean all the good flavor explodes out of it! (He has a big, somewhat creppy smile on his face) Ok! Bye! (Runs down hallway and the cake explodes. All the students are looking at him.) Um. I guess I added to much baking powder. (The students go back to what they were doing.)

Jess: Be afraid.

Vicki: Be very afraid.

Kankuro: (Running down the hallway carrying Gaara's shirt in the air) HA HA HA! NO MORE NOOGIES FOR ME!


Kankuro: (Teary eyed) Noo! Not Mrs. Pretty-Face! (Throws Gaara's shirt back at him and runs away sobbing)

Gaara: (Takes back shirt and runs away singing Mr. Sandman)

Vicki: Gaara...shirtless...(Faints)

Jess: Uh... Vic?

(To be continued in the 4th part!)

Anywayz, I had a weird dream last night, about school (Ugh I have school dreams a lot! T~T) Anyways, my original school had a bad mold thing in it so I had to go to a different school for a while. And I was really confused with everyting! I'm even thinking OMG I never even got the letter for homeroom! Then I found it in my coat pocket. The I saw my PreK aid teacher Miss. (Or Mrs. I forget) Barbra. She helped me find my locker. Also, there were Naruto decorations all around the schooL! Yayz! I was hoping to find my locker near one of them but my locker was locker #1, which was in the fruit/vegetable aisle. (?!) Then I could't find the KEY to my locker. My mom had put that in my pocket... (Yeah this dream didn't make sence...) Anyway, I forget what happened exactly, but there were stores in there that sold Yugioh cards and even Bobo-Bo cards, but even they looked exactly like Yugioh cards. There was also a giant elevater in the school... Oh yeah! And I saw Gai there. He was a teacher... and he had a moustache... (?!?!) Oh, and there was this one part where I was in the Wizard of Oz play, but it was kinda messed up becuz the tornado took place in Oz... And then when we (As in the scarecrow and such) came out from hiding there was a fruit bowl and I was supposed to eat a grape from it as part of the play and then the scene turned into my den/farmland place. And then I'm like "What happened to the play?" and the scarecrow (Who was some guy I knew from school) told me that I think the tornado blew them away or something... Yeah... strange... and I didn't even type EVERYTHING!! It was just really really weird!!!

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Sunday, August 20, 2006

   New BG
Ok peoplez. The winner of the character BG thing was Kakashi, but then I realized that there's a lot of him on this site, so maybe some other time. I decided on Haku, who came in 2nd place. So now, I have a Haku theme! Anywayz, Lovinmanga4eva slept over last night, and we had fun. We also played the new Naruto game on CartoonNetwork.com. I beat it on my second try, she didn't. XP I also played it again today and won on my first try! Go me! I also decided to put part 2 of my Naruto School story on here today. Just becuz i don't think everyone is aware of this, I am up to #20. I'm just copying and pasting it onto here. Enjoy!

On The Bus...

Kiba: I'm A Dolphin! (Quickly sits back down)

Jess: Uh... Ok...

Sasuke: Answer my question Itachi. Why are you here?

Itachi: Uh... Well.. I got held back since I tried to kill one of teachers so I had to go back to school... So did Kisame...

Kisame: (waves) HI!

Itachi: NOW! PREPARE TO DIE! NO ONE STEALS MY MAKE-UP KIT! Except Gaara. I sometimes lend him my eye shadow...

Sasuke: Oh Nos!

Jess: Hey, Itachi?

Itachi: Yeah?

Jess: Your shoe's untied.

Itachi: (Looks down and sees he's wearing sandals) No! You have tricked me! (Starts crying and runs to the back of the bus)

Vicki: Well, that was easy.

Jess: Yeah.

Sasuke: Good thinking Jess. He may have given me another atomic wedgie...

Jess and Vicki: -_-'

Jess: Hmm... Naruto's still sulking. I'd better check on him or my conscience will drive me crazy...

Vicki: Jess, your conscience makes you so pathetic sometimes...

Jess: (Sticks out tounge)

Jess: Naruto? Are you ok?

Naruto: (Turns into a log)

Jess: Substiution?!

Naruto: (On roof of bus) I'm gonna get you back for trying to fool me, Naruto Uzumaki, BELIEVE IT!

Jess: Why do you always say believe it!?

Naruto:(tries to punch me/Jess whatever my name is here)

Jess: I was trying to apologize!

Naruto: Your just trying to avoid getting beat up by me, Naruto Uzumaki! Believe it!

Jess: (Annoyed) THAT'S IT! Your going down! (I beat the crud out of Naruto without breaking a sweat.)

Vicki: Yeah! Go Jess!

Sasuke: I enjoyed that.

Jess: Maybe that will teach you some manners! (says this while tying a gift-bow around the unconcious Naruto) That was fun though! Too bad I can't find any wrapping paper...

Vicki: We're not even at school yet and we're already causing trouble...

Hinata: (Sits by Naruto) Naruto... are you all right?

Naruto: (Wakes up) Yeah... I guess so...

Hinata: Good. NOW HOW CAN YOU LOSE SO EASLIY! YOU GOT A FEW PUNCHES THROWN AT YOU AND YOUR UNCONSCIOUS! (Hits Naruto and once again he goes unconscious...)

Hinata: (Goes back to her seat.)

Jess: Wow. I didn't see that coming...

Vicki: Who knows. Maybe Hinata and I could be friends. I know I will get her to show her evil side Muhahahahahahaha...

Jess: Uhh... Sure...

Jess: (Things quiet down so she.. I..I'll say I for now I guess... look around. Shino was talking to a fly... Sakura and Ino and some other girls were fighting over some chewed gum Sasuke just spit out... Lee was... uh... being Lee... Kiba was making dolphin noises... Gaara was giving Kankuro noogies... And other people were doing other things. Finally the bus arrived at school...)

What will next? And why does Kiba still think he's a dolphin?

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Saturday, August 19, 2006

Naruto School #1
I decided to put up my first Naruto School Story on here, cuz I felt like it! Hope ya like it, but of course if u don't like reading you don't have to read it.

An Intro...

Jess (me, a leaf ninja) and Vicki (my friend, a sand ninja) get on the school bus and grab a seat.

Jess: I can't believe all the weird people who are going to our school (looking at Gaara)...

Vicki: Yeah. But some of them are so hot (Also looking at Gaara)!

Jess: (-_-') I'm more afraid with who the teachers are going to be (Looking at scedule seeing that Orochimaru is the cooking teacher...)

Shikamaru: School is such a drag...(He's sitting in front of us!)(Looks at Vicki) Who are you? I've never seen you before...

Jess: Well, she moved next to me. Controlling water is in her blood, but she can't do too much in the desert...

Vicki: YOU HAD NO RIGHT TO TELL HIM THAT BAKA!!! (hits me to the back of the bus)

Jess:Ow... Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed Missy Grumpy Pants! (Notices that she landed on Dosu) AHH! A MUMIFIED PORCUPINE!!!(Runs back next to Vicki)

Dosu:(Angry look)

Vicki: Stupid sound exchange students...

Jess: Hey Shikamaru? Why do you wear a pony tail like a girl?

Shikamaru: IT'S NOT LIKE A GIRL! It's very manly...

Vicki: It's girly...

Shikamru: Girls are so troublesome...

Us: Poke Attack! (Jess&Vic poke Shikamaru for about five more miunutes... Shikamaru's lazy so he didn't stop us... Then Vicki&Jess notice Naruto sleeping...)

Jess: Hey! Lets bother Naruto!

Sasuke: (Pops up out of nowhere) I like the way you guys think! (Sasuke pulls out lipstick)

Vicki: Uhh.. Where'd you get that?

Sasuke: (Shifty-eyed) Uhh.. I stole it from Itachi?

Jess: Works for me!
(All work together to turn Naruto into a red clown using lipstick)

Vicki: I have a better idea! (takes out cup of heated ramen)

Naruto: (smells it and wakes up)RAMEN!!

Vicki: Hmm.. I'm not hungary all of a sudden... maybe I should throw it out..

Naruto: MY RAMEN!

Sasuke: I'll have it!

Vicki: OK!

Sasuke: (Takes ramen and throws it out the window)

Naruto: NOOO! (Jumps out window to get it, but gets stuck. Everyone outside laughs at his lipsticked face.)

Naruto: (Runs back to seat and sulks)

Jess: Wasn't that a little too mean?

Sasuke and Vicki: NAH! We could have done better.


Sasuke: o.o! Wait, Itachi. What are you doing here?

Kiba: (Runnng up and down the bus screaming) I AM A DOLPHIN!

Why is Itachi there? Why does Kiba think he's a dophin? You'l find out abot Itachi next time, but I'm not so sure about Kiba...

Anywayz, Lovinmanga4eva is supposed to come over today. Yayz! That's all i can think of right now...

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