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myOtaku.com: PrincessofDisastr

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Is He Tired of Me?
I'm tired of breathing
Tired of feeling
Tired of looking at the past for meaning
Tired of running
Tired of searching
Tired of trying
But I'm not tired of you
(Tired of You; The Exies)

I'm stuck. Its like i'm going round and round in this freakin cataclysmic cyclone that is him. Its like I can't stop. I don't want to feel like this...I don't want to feel without him. I don't want to lose my net. I want him to love me, even if he only loves to use me. He doesn't respect me and he has made this clear to me himself.

I thought he loved me. I did everything in my power to keep him by my side. I did everything i could to make him love me. I was open and honest with him about almost everything, but it was all for wasted breath. Like it meant Nothing. Did i mean nothing? Or was Something not enough?

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