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myOtaku.com: princess ookumae

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

NOTE: This is also posted in my world....if you've read it there you've read this already....

It's been mentioned to me by several people recently that I'm obsessed with the Toadies...I've enjoyed their music for a long time but it's only recently....in the past year or so that I've been able to afford to attend their concerts, before I was usually broke when they came to town or selling blood for anime...not literally of course. Then after most of my CD collection was stolen and I finally went over what should have been there I ended up spending another chunk of change there. Just now I'm listening to their latest album No Deliverance on ITunes and this is the third variation of this album I've purchased....damn you ITunes album only exclusive tracks. I'm not regretting this decision but it has led me to wonder.

How much would you spend on a band?

...let's open up the field a bit more than just with bands, how about an actor/actress, a director, writer, artist, studio/company *i.e. Gonzo, Studio DEEN, Rockstar, Harmonix, Square*

Once I started crunching the numbers I was surprised to find in the past twelve months alone I've spent over $800 on the Toadies. Although that's mostly concert tickets and fuel for traveling to two shows. I won't go in to detail on what all I've bought of theirs but yeah...I'd still spend more on them, they are literally in my top 10 bands which of them all Toadies is the band I have spent the most.

Random I know...let's wrap this up in the usual way

List of events I'm looking forward to:

Toadies Concert in Corpus Christi August 30th *DIES*

Toadies Concert AT Possum Kingdom Lake August 31st *MAJOR SQUEE*

Lions Concert in Corpus Christi September 5th (hellz yeah I'm pumped)

See you on the otherside

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