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myOtaku.com: princess ookumae

Monday, December 10, 2007

Quick bit of clearing up things about Physics at my university. I've already attempted to take Physics twice first it was just General then University level, the problem both times is how the teachers taught the class and lab. Sadly enough the class is taught by the same two teachers the only thing is the at the General Level you get even less information during class because no one can understand a third of what the teacher says and at the University level you sometimes don't even get a lecture since the teacher has ten-year and will go on rants about anything he damn well pleases. So next semester to complete my basics and sciences I'm taking Astronomy.

In other news my one and only final is on Tuesdays I hope I don't completely bomb it @.@

OH! I also just landed myself a job at a local toy store.... it kinda sucks I can't legally put the name or even symbol since it's in our contracts we can't really talk about it in any kind of blog or chatty type of place. I'll be starting later in the week. Granted it's only seasonal work but it's an improvement from my recent year or so of freedom from the workplace...and it's something I haven't really done yet working retail especially in the crazy Christmas season.

Other things....well Dante is back from his "time away" and now things are really going to change, Saffron and I won't really be able to just hang out at the house all the time since Joe (roommate we would see/hang with the most) now has his other half back. Oh well I guess all good things must come to an end sometimes. Saturday we did have a return party which of course means even more drinking! I also got to finally play the Bleach game for the Wii XD It is a decent fighter in and of itself I mean nothing really special if you are just looking at attacks and design themselves but on the Wii it was SO much fun to play. It was great the second time I got to play it that night I had beat my friend who had been playing it most of the week from the time he first rented it. Then again he made the mistake of teaching me how to go Bankai after that he was dead.

Enough talking time for LAS

Last Anime Seen: Death Note because strangely enough I haven't really sat down and watched any anime since anime club on Friday....and it's only Death Note since I decided to end on ep 25 and end the night with Death Note *kukukuku* hopefully next week I'll be able to have some fun new shows...well new for me any way to let you know about....and maybe a brief review of some other series I've recently finished in the past semester.

That's all for now.....See you on the otherside

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