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Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Put out the fireworks stupid rain
So it's officially Independence Day here in America and right now I was just awakened by a severe storm....flash flooding all over Texas y'all =( Beyond the insane amounts of rain we've been getting things have been going pretty good this summer...sorry for the lack of updates it's just not that much has been going on for me other than planning RealmsCon and the anime exhibit at the Asian Cultures Museum.

This past weekend I went up to Austin with a couple of friends....well first we went to San Antonio and they did a bit of shopping and then we went to San Marcos and they did a bit more shopping and then we went to see a friend in Austin, then the next day we went to Schilterrbahn :3 I hadn't gone to a theme park let alone a waterpark in ages. I did so many rides this time around...now that I'm not as scared of fast things. :sweatdrop:

Since I came back with a good amount of money even after depositing some into the bank, I went to Waldenbooks and picked up some manga and was super lucky to find they were running a buy 3 get the 4th free special on Viz titles. I was sad to see they didn't get Ouran v9 in yet so I went ahead and pre-ordered it. I picked up Millennium Snow v2, Tail of the Moon v5, and La Corda d'Oro v1. I had been wanting to check out Corda d'Oro for a while now I had heard some of good stuff about it from a few people on Gaia but mostly people comparing it to Ouran. Which is somewhat understandable since it is a reverse harem series, and they both ran in Lala magazine but those are about the only similarities....ok a couple of the character designs are close although I think the designes to some of the characters look closer to Mikiyo Tsuda's work (Princess Princess, Day of Revolution, Family Complex) more than Bisco Hatori's work (Ouran, Millennium Snow)

Here is the synopsis from the back cover:
Every few years, the prestigious Seisou Academy holds a prominent musical competition, and only the very best students at the Academy are allowed to participate. Though all are eligible to apply, only students from the music department actually make it to the competition...unitl now. Kahoko Hino is a General Education student and has no musical skill, but all that changes when she catches a glimpse of an elusive fairy who lives on campus. The fairy grants Kahoko a magic violin, and before she knows it, she's nominated to participate in the school's music competition with five very attractive boys, Whill she win love and fame, or will bitter rivalry rule the day?

Actually the synopsis isn't all that accurate to the story either. Kahoko sees the fairy freaks out and runs, then gets nominated to be in the contest. After trying to back out of it a couple of times she goes into an empty practice room where the fairy gives her a magical violin that supposedly gives anybody who uses it the power to play no matter what their skill level is with the instrument. Also in the first volume at least she is in competition with four attractive boys and one cute girl and has another gen ed student she is having a story line with....but I'm sure the other girl will leave the competition by the end of the story and the gen ed boy she is having a story line with will join in the competition.

After reading the first volume I thought it was really cute and wanted to look up more about it and then found that they had animated it this past October and so I picked up the first episode which just happens to be my LAS this time around.

Last Anime Seen: La Corda d'Oro ~Primo Passo~
It's a very cute shoujo series based off a romance game....and it's rather obvious that it is based off a romance game but still a good watch...and read! A few discrepancies between the manga and the anime but I'm sure there were many discrepancies between the manga and the game for that matter but still even if you haven't played the game or even seen anything about this series before I'd recommend trying out La Corda d'Oro ~Primo Passo~

That's all for now.....See you on the otherside....and Happy Independence Day to all my American buddies.

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