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myOtaku.com: pipsqueak

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Funny Day Yesturday!!!

Wazz up my homey Pips, Yesturday was so "FUN". There was a food fight in the cafeteria and I went under the table (cause im small) and i said "Head for the ditch". And Jeffrey left me alone while I was crawling under the table and my friend Micheal and his friend just pointing at me laughing and other people too.Then when I made it out of the end of the table.I jumped ontop of tables.IT WAS FUNNY!but the only NOT funny part is when I got green apple sause all over and an orange hit me.grr.Also, my exams, I failed on them...and Im gonna fell 7thGrade. belive it. I bet myself im gonna fell. I try HARD on those exams.Even my friend Stephone who doesnt go to classes and hes a rebel had a "C" on the test and I got an "F".THAT SUCKS! so i wanted to skip 6th perios cause there was a subsitute and I wanna see my friends at bus duty. Me, Stephon and Denean lied to the teachers, secerity, and other people that we had bus duty and one of our security guards LETS US SKIP but we had to skip in the 7th grade office THE WHOLE TIME.Then we had to pick up James (Tater Tot) and Andy (aka Lucky), So we did our bus duties and WE HAD SO MUCH FUN, We were throwing water at eachother, we were playing around and sh**!!!IT WAS SOOO MUCH FUN DUDE!! It was like the first time I ever skipped cause I was sad and mad that im gonnna fail so my friend MADE ME VERY VERY HAPPY!...but, it was cool. Right now im at my friend's house and its 12:02am over here. Well, Goodnight. (_ _)z Z

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