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myOtaku.com: pink candy1

Friday, May 18, 2007

j00 mah peeps

so, what's been up? wwhat's been up with me? glad you asked ^^

IN THE BUS, I SAT NEXT TO THE GUY I LIKE! but i didn't talk to him tho. i'll try to next time.

that was probably the highlight of my day

and i was talking to izzie at night and she said that one of my best friends had (yet another) boyfriend~

congrats, vivsie

*our group is the yami

Y - broken_wings
A - vivsie/earth_gal
M - me
I - izzie/princess_of_mer

so izzie went:

"so...YA has found happyness"

"what about MI?"

i might make a (cruddy) poem about this. i dun even know if i can MAKE a poem. wish me luck~

"what about MI?"



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