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myOtaku.com: Petie

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Roses are red, violets are blue, tazed kiwis are a greenish brown kinda colour.
Hey everyone! Thanks for all of the nice comments on my trip yesterday. Good news! As you can see, since I'm posting, the laptop works from North Carolina! Yay!

Ok so the car ride was somewhere between 8 and 9 hours long but that's ok because I slept during most of it. I'm glad I did because I just chose not to go to sleep at all last night since we were leaving so early. I didn't think I'd even be awake enough to post tonight but I also fell asleep on the couch after we got here for a while. I'm not all too tired at all now ^_^

I was actually able to comment on everybody's sites today. I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep that up for while I'm here though. We'll see how that goes as the week progresses.

There's more good news though. Andrew must have not slept as much as I did because he's really tired so he went to bed a little while ago. That means I can get online and stay for a while tonight! I'm not sure what time I have to get up tomorrow but if it's early, I probably won't be able to get online for too long for the rest of the week (though I may be able to get on for a little while).

Anyway, the house is really nice. It's big too. There's a pool out back but the ocean is like 50 feet from the house too. Andrew and I didn't go in either today though becasue we were too tired. Some people went in the pool though. Oh, and just so you know, the people in the house are Andrew, his mom and dad, his two brothers, and me. Some people was referring to some of them.

Well, that was pretty much my day. I'll be sure to keep you updated on how the rest of it is going throughout the week (if you actually want to hear it).

Oh and by the way, if I do make it to your sites, I can't see any pictures anywhere because I have Internet Explorer set to not display any of them to cut down on page load time. It's just because it takes forever to load on a wireless connection if there are pictures.

Anyway, have a great day everyone!

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