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myOtaku.com: PeachesXCream

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Current Mood: Happy
Current Song: -kigan- by Dir en grey (MP3 not available-BOO!!! That sucks!!! >O)

Konnichiwa~!!! How is everyone today? ^-^ As you can clearly see, Momo-chan is happy to be out of school and not having to suffer through Algebra. :3 On my days off I've been messing around with my Christmas gifts and watching TV-a rare thing for me.

I got an assload of awesome gifts for Christmas. I got "Japanese for Busy People: Revised Edition: Book #1", "A Guide to Reading and Writing Japanese", "Oxford Beginner's Japanese Dictionary", "Bass Guitar for Dummies", a manikin that you can position for drawing, "WarioWare Twisted" for the GBA, "Guitar Hero II" for the PS2, $50 in giftcards to Best Buy, $35 in giftcards to Target, a statuete of an angel, a tiny Mickey Mouse snow globe, tons of clothes, an iPod shuffle, $20, issue 21 of "Gothic Beauty" magazine, and a Badtz Maru stationary set. This from all of my relatives, but damn!!! I feel bad for them spending all of this money on me. ;~; Especially my parents, since my dad has been unemployed since July. I've been playing "WarioWare Twisted" so much that I have to charge my GameBoy once a day. XD Addicted, much? I'm really happy with everything I got and I already planned what I'm going to buy with my giftcards. ^^; Also, I plan on putting *almost* all of my money on a Visa giftcard so that I can buy tons of DIRU stuff off of eBay. And all together, I have over $120. XD eBay will love me. Speaking of which, I got "Kisou" the day after Christmas! It's a good thing I was asleep whenever my mom threw it at me, or else I would have been screaming at the top of my lungs. XD But I love it with all of my little black heart, and I am happy that I have all of my stuff from eBay now. ^-^ The only thing that I didn't get that I REALLY wanted for Christmas was a naked, crusified Kyo moaning my name and begging me to take advantage of him. T~T I shouldn't be greedy, though. *sobs*

^ That's all I wanted for Christmas!!! *cries*

And maybe a little bit of that. ^ XD

So, how was everyone else's Christmas?

I don't mean to be the typical, needy, teenage girlfriend, but I'm going to be... Daniel hasn't called me yet and I REALLY want to do something with him this weekend. *sighs* If I don't, I think my head is going to explode.

My God... I'm clingy. -_-

Mouuu, I love my iPod shuffle. It's filled with tons of DIRU songs. ^3^ It's better than sex (without a DIRU member, of course). XD *cuddles iPod shuffle*

I haven't done a whole lot of stuff over the week except for spoiling my diet with candy and Nana's cookies (although, strangely, I haven't gained any weight even though I haven't been exercising), listen to "Kisou", stare at the phone (XD), practice Japanese, and play video games. :3 So, I've had a really good week. I don't want it to end. ;~; The only thing I haven't been able to do this week is sing on my karaoke machine (I'll only do that if no one is home) and look at yaoi since Dad is staying home. But I'm not complaining, I'd take no yaoi and no karaoke over school any day. ^-^

Eto... I don't have anything else to say and I have a strong craving to listen to "Pink Killer"... oh, yeah... and I guess I should eat. XD Mata ne~!!!

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