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myOtaku.com: PeachesXCream

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Current Mood: Content
Current Song: (by Dir en grey)

Oh my god... last night I was so furious, I thought I was going to explode. I was reading info on the members of DIRU, and I was all happy until I read Die's information. It turned out that he used to have an eating disorder because some "fans" were calling him fat. I knew that he used to be SUPER skinny and that he ate less than he should, be I didn't know that it was because of some "fans." I was so shocked that I actually yelled "WHAT?!" I may not show it, but I care about every single member of DIRU. I admit that I give more attention to Kyo, but I love every single member with all of my heart. Die is SUCH a beautiful man that he's taken my breath away on several occasions. To even think that his opinion of himself would be obscured by some idiots' rude (and UNTRUE!!!) remarks just breaks my heart. I'm incredibly happy to know that he's gotten over that stage, but I'm still sad to know that he had to suffer through it.

We love you, Die-san!!! ;o;

Once again, today was pretty nice, except for the morning. -_- My mom was driving me to school while filling out a picture form, while a policeman was in front of us. It pissed me off and frustrated me soo much. She's a terrible driver, she could've gotten a ticket, and I wish she would just use some common sense sometimes. -_-' In Orchestra, it turned out we weren't doing anything once agian. @_@ So, I studied my Yonkyuu guide and then slept the rest of the time. I had a REALLY nice nap, about 30 minutes long (at least), but I woke up because I was cold and people were being loud. ;~; For some reason, I turn cold as ice whenever I go to sleep. It's scary. O_O In Algebra we did the same old shit, boring me out of my mind. I did get to talk to Katie, though, so that made me happy. ^3^ In Health we worked on our project on eating disorders and went outside and walked around the track for about 20 minutes. So, Chasity and I got to talk a whole lot. :D In Civics we worked in groups answering a sheet asking questions about our community. None of my friends were in my group, but Korki was right beside me (in the next group) so I got to talk to her. It mainly just consisted of her screaming "aho!" and "baka!" since she wanted to impress me with her Japanese skills (she wants me to be her Japanese teacher once I'm fluent XDDD) and me squealing whenever she poked me with a pencil. Oh, yeah, some guy asked me if I knew what a scrotum is. -3- I just looked at him like he was the biggest idiot on the whole earth and said "yes." God, I hate idiots. After school I went up to the tree with Stacie and for some reason she said that I didn't love her and so I chased her around trying to hug her but I ended up falling on my ass. XD; Katie and Sydney were coming up so they just said "Becky, are you okay?" Later on Katie told me that I looked so innocent but I was anything but. XD Oh, yeah!!! Nicole also told me that I have super Asian hair!!! :D I almost sqealed in happiness whenever I heard that. @_@ But them agian, she tells me that I have squinty Asian eyes too and that I belong in Japan. ^^; I haven't had any daydreams about Kyo today! I had a little glimpse of one but I pushed it out of my head, so I got to consentrate today. ^-^

Meh. I gotta go play some bass and listen to DIRU. I need it!!! Mata ne, minasan~!

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