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myOtaku.com: PeachesXCream

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Current Mood: Excited, but also a little angry
Current Song: GRIEF by Dir en grey

DIRU in Pennslyvania

So, I didn't get to download "THE MARROW OF A BONE" last night because my computer is a retard and only accepts MP3s. -_- Luckily, though, I DID get "GRIEF" and "THE PLEDGE." OMFG... "GRIEF" is like crack. This is probably the sixth time I've listened to it today. XDDD; And "THE PLEDGE" is really pretty... for some reason, the title led me to believe that it would be, so I'm glad that it turned out the way I hoped. ^-^ I can't wait until I can actually get my grubby little paws on the other songs. >3 You should have seen me this morning.... I'm so excited about "THE MARROW OF A BONE"-I was jumping up and down and sqealing and hugging Nicole and clapping and shit and randomly squeeing "DIRU!!!". XD Imagine how I'm gonna be tommorow. *imagines herself running through the halls of her school naked with a picture of Kyo taped over her privies and carrying a copy of "THE MARROW OF A BONE"* Yeah... it's not gonna be pretty. XD;

In Orchestra we got new seats and I sit next to this REALLY talented player and makes me feel like a complete and total idiot. Also, I wasn't playing all that well today for some reason and I sounded like crap. D: What makes it worse, though, is that we had to have a playing test today. *foreheadpalm* In playing tests, we have to play in front of someone and I HATE it. Whenever I was playing and actually heard how bad I sounded, I so ashamed. My face turned red, I started sweating, and I just wanted to stop. It's so embarassing. The girl who listened to me said that I didn't do all that bad and that I got more notes than the other kids, but I still felt terrible. *buries face* In Art we had to practice shading and had to draw a tree. XD I had "dead tree" stuck in my head since it was a picture of a tree with all the leaves fallen off. XD Also, someone said "man, this is agitating." And no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't help myself and all of the sudden Kyo started screaming "IT THE BLACK FLAG, MOTHERFUCKER!!!" and I had "Agitated Screams of Maggots" stuck in my head all day. XD; Oopsies. At lunch I elaborated on how much I anticipate DIRU's new album and want Kyo's crotch. Cause, we all know that his crotch is good for the soul. >3 In Science we had to do an assload of workbook pages, but I got them all finished. Yay!!! In English we had to elaborate on how the activity we did yesterday made us feel, review a few chapters of "To Kill a Mockingbird", and worked on our project with our partners. Unfortunately, one of my partners is extremely horny. So far in these three days we've been working together, he's asked if I wanted to see his dick, asked if I wanted to SUCK his dick, almost humped my head, and made kissing faces towards me. @_@ Today he saw the picture of Kyo on my binder and asked me if that guy made me horny. When I replied with a yes, he then asked me if he made me really horny. I said yes. Then he asked if he made me really really horny. X_X I still said yes. After that he thought for a second then asked me what made me the horniest. And I said Kyo. XD Then I whipped out my picture of Kyo rubbing his crotch and said "this makes me extremely horny." He looked at it and said Kyo's package was small... I didn't even get angry. I just started laughing because of how utterly ridiculous it was. XD Then he ripped it up. ;o; Luckily, I have two other copies at home (only because I acciedentally printed extras.... I swear!!! >_>). Still, I'll have to burn the remains-it doesn't seem fit to just throw them away. XD Once I got home I listened to the two news songs from "THE MARROW OF A BONE" and worked on my project for two hours. Fun fun fun. -_-

Oh, dear God, yes... you make me oh-so horny. XD

Damn, I have to get my split ends of my hair cut off (I haven't cut my hair in a year and it's in terrible condition @_@). Fun. Ah, well, it will help me try to have Kaoru/Shinya hair (Kaoru/Shinya hair-extremely well maintained hair that makes Momo gasp and want to pet it). XD Mata ne~!

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