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myOtaku.com: Panda

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

   You know what's better than chocolate?

A Chocolate Panda!

So I am feeling much better today. My joints still ache but I am feeling better today than I have in the past few days. Why is that? I think it is from the large quantity of chocolate candy I consumed today. If a little bit is good a whole lot has got to be better right?! I know Mimmi will agree with me on that. ~_^ ::sets out candy dish of chocolates:: Please help yourself!

I got a bunch of screen caps from .hack//Legends of the Twilight and made some cards and wallpapers. Be sure to check them out. My personal favorite is the "Pan-da" card, when you see it you'll know which one I am talking about. My next project is to work on some .hack//Sign wallpapers and cards. I am in a bit of a .hack mood today if you couldn't tell. Hmm, that reminds me...

I think we need to take a .hack bishie break!

Balmung of the Azure Sky.

He's got what every bishie lovin' fan girl wants: the anime hair, cool attitude, feathery cape and not to mention that oh so long...sword. Umm, yeah, sword. I think we better move on to the question of the day!

Would you rather.....

Live in a beautiful mansion that is filled with clowns (real ones, pictures, dolls...anything clown related.)

Live a nomadic life in a yurt with a herd of yak?

I would love to live in a mansion..but the threat of clown interaction scares me. Can you imagine...open up your sock draw and a bunch of those silly snakes pop out at you? Or having to share your room with an evil looking clown doll. Creepy. Plus, imagine if you went someplace like grocery shopping. You and your clown posse would all pile into a car the size of a mini Copper...silly music would always be playing. The horror...the horror....

Now living on the land, in a nice little yurt. Just you and the yak. That would be nice and peaceful now wouldn't it. Definitely not fancy. No plumbing or electricity...but you would have all the yak company you could ever wish for! For that reason I choose to shack..er..yurt up with the herd of yak. Feel free to stop by anytime. My yurt is always open for friends...and your yaks too!

Well, I am off to try to make the rounds to sites before my fingers fall off. I love you all and hope you are all having a great week. Take care! ::huggles::

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