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myOtaku.com: Panda

Tuesday, March 8, 2005

   Just a question for today.
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I am glad you all like the bizarre turn my question of the day took yesterday. I decided you all needed a change from the norm. Not much to talk about today since I spent most of it at the doctor's office waiting to get my blood drawn for tests. So I am going to leave you with just the question of the day.

Would your rather live in a world that...
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everyone spoke like a poorly dubbed Chinese Kung-Fu movie


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all the scenery looked like a Salvador Dali painting?

I would like to live in the Salvador Dali painting since it would be so flippin' freaky. Melting clocks, mutant circus coming to town, bizarre human-esque scuptures that float on their own...it would be such a trip! Plus, I think the terrible VA of poorly dubbed Chinese Kung-Fu movies drives me batty. Mouth moving, words not matching up, terrible over the top declarations of honor and revenge...bah, that would just get old and boring. But the Dali world...strange things all the time, it would definitely never get boring.

Take care all and I will visit with you all soon.

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