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myOtaku.com: Orcagirl2001

Friday, September 8, 2006

Naruto 322 Review!!!
Oh, I wish I could post more than reviews here. Still don't have any Internet...oh well.
Unrivaled Gallery...go there...read manga...read review...as you know...why am I obsessed with typing periods..........? XD

Anyway, to the review! I was again super excited to read this chapter, wanting to know how Naruto's progressing. We get a forboding message from Kakuzu about Hidan being the only one able to travel with him because he won't die. That got me thinking. When I first saw Hidan and his rituals with that thing (stick, blade, who knows) sticking out of his chest, I wondered how can he impale himself without dying? Well, I guess we know why now.
Naruto meanwhile is working his butt off trying to fuse wind manipulation chakra with the Rasengan and its harder than he thought, nearly impossible. He tries hard to concentrate then the kyuubi chakra leaks out!!! There are four tails forming! I nearly jumped out of my seat. I was like 'What the heck the freaking kyuubi's coming out! Yamato! Don't just sit there, do something!' I guess that sums up Kakashi's one word. These wooden fox? heads come out and eat? the kyuubi chakra leaving poor Naruto out cold. This training is taking its toll but there isn't any other choice. Meanwhile Hidan's minding his own business when BOOM! Here comes Asuma and his group, their attack is perfect. I was amazed that they caught him by surprise, held him with Shikamaru's shadow bind and the Kotetsu and Izumo fly in for the final blow. I was like "yeah! but, hey what the heck, he's not dead?" That's when I realized it. Dang it, what in the world is this???! Now they have to fight someone who won't die!?!!!!! There has to be some kind of weak spot, but I guess I'll have to wait and see...like always.

Naruto 322 Favorite Quote:

Yamato: "If you continue doing this, Naruto will...and it's not like I can stop that thing every time!"
Kakashi: "No...This is the only option we have. Whether or not Naruto will be able to perfect this jutsu rests on your shoulders."

(*Seems like this training is becoming a danger to Naruto. The dumb kyuubi chakra is trying to force itself out and this continuous exposure to it's influence risks Naruto's own life. Still, Kakashi has faith it will work. Naruto may be the trump card in the battle against Akatsuki! What a battle that will be. I can't wait!!!!!)

(Note: go to http://pokefreak.deviantart.com and check out Pokefreak's incredible Naruto fan art. The best I've seen in a while is a portrait of Hidan called "Immortal." It's breaktaking!!! Go look at it and the rest of his awesome gallery!!!)

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