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myOtaku.com: Oblivious

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

I did one of those survey things!!! okay here it is:

The actors
Who is your most favorite actor in the movies?:Viggo Mortensen, Billy Boyd, Dominic Monaghan and Orlando Bloom.
your morst favorite actress?:Miranda Otto
Do you think any of them are hot?:Yes
If so, who?:Billy Boyd, Dominic Monaghan, Orlando Bloom, and Viggo Mortensen
Do you think they were all great actors and actors?:yes, except for liv tyler
Orlando Bloom or Viggo Mortenson?:tough one, but viggo because hes insane
Billy Boyd or Dominac Mognahan?:Dominic becasue hes just a bit more insane
Elijah Wood or Sean Astin?:They were both really good
Miranda Otto or Liv Tyler?:Miranda Otto
Ian Holm or Ian Mckellen?:Theyre both so great I cant decide!!!
The Races
Hobbits of elves?:elves
Dwarves or Wizards?:wizards
man(human) or elf?:elf
Orc of Troll?:orc
who is your favorite hobbit?:Pippin
Favorite elf?:Legolas
favorite wizard?:Gandalf
Favorite man?:Aragorn and Faramir
What's better: Gondor or Rohan?:Rohan, but the white city is prettier
who is your favorite character?:Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Eowyn, Gandalf, and Faramir. Sorry, its too close.
Did Sam make you cry?:Yes
What do you think of Gollum?:I loved movie gollum, but detested the stinker in the books
Do you think Eowyn was brave?:Yes
Did you feel sorry for the Hobbits and one point?:Of course. They are so peaceful.
Do you think Peter Jackson did a good job?:Absolutley
How was the special effects?:Groundbreaking
Have you ever played the LOTR drinking game?:No but Ive played Tig and Cup!!
Did you know that there is an LOTR drinking game?:Yes

the ultimate Lord of the Rings survey brought to you by BZOINK!

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