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Thursday, March 29, 2007

So bored... I HATE SNOW! D

It's snowing.
A lot.
And I'm tired of it.
What kinda snow snows 3 days before April!?
Now I won't be able to practice Guard with Kokutan outside.
Maybe not even at all.
And I was really looking forward to it, too!
And i'm going to be walking around in the stupid snow all day tomorrow.
This is when it really starts to suck not being able to drive yet.
I wanna play RO a bit more today.
We finally got Kokutan's job, and I finally got mine.
So it turn out that I was in the right map all along, but I didn't do all the way to the other side for fear of dieing, when nothing there argos!
I felt really stupid.
But now that we both have our jobs [Kokutan is a thief, and I'm an Acolyte] we will be training in harder places.
It will be really fun!

~Nove saying...
"Don't drink water. Fish have sex in it."

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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

I'm back!

I know that i said that I'd post on Tuesday, but I was too tired and lazy and i just really wanted to play on RO.
Kokutan and I walked all the way to Morroc to get her Thief quest delt with, but it's /really/ hard becasue we have to go through this maze. They said that there is a person in there to get the Thief quest, but we haven't seen anyone so far, and it's realy hard when more than one bat argos you at the same time.
[[Yesterday, after Kokutan died and was on her way back, I tried to leave and got argoed my 6 bats!
I ran and made it half way back, but then I died because I went into a dead end and they ambushed me.

Anyway, about my trip:
On Saturday, Neko-chan and I played in the snow in the fort that we built last year.
I was amazed that it was still in tact.
We went inside, had dinner, and then we watched Ice Age 2.
On Sunday we hung out around the house and we watched James and the Giant Peach.
I had forgotten how odd that movie was.
And then on Monday we went smimming at the recreation center.
It was fun.
When we got back, Neko-chan and I started writing a story together and I drew some furrys.
I'm rather proud of them, but there is a lot of room for improvment.
I'll scan them later and post them, maybe.
We also watched The Phantom of the Opera.
Tuesday was just cleaning up and getting ready to leave, and then a 2-hour car ride home.
It was a fun trip.

I am going to be working on a new layout now!
I want to do something completely custom, but I still need to collect a few more codes.
So I'll just stick with the current layout for now.
I'm thinking about going for a rainy theme.
Not sure.
I'll decide within the hour.

~Nove saying...
You know you like it. ;D

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Friday, March 23, 2007

= w=

So, about my last post...
I've just decided that I'm not really going to care what my grades in that class are as much.
I know I'm going to do bad, so I why beat myself up over it?
But just because I'm not gonna care about my grades so much anymore doesn't mean that I'm going to give up trying.
I'm going to work hard!
I'm current'y in German class right now, so I need to go.
My teacher is coming.
I'll post again on Tuesday and I'll tell you all about my weekend with Neko-chan!
[[I'll also work on a new layout ;D]]

~Nove saying...
Stress, overwork, and an early death, here I come!

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Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Sorrys that I haven't been around much.
I'm all hyper from eating a package of blue peeps, a snickers fastbreak, and an entire hershy's bar... plus the added sugar of a coke.
So yeah.
I'm pretty hyper right now.

I get to go with Neko-chan to her cabin with her family on Saturday!
I just got off of the phone with her, and now I'm uber excited!

Over Srping Break I am going to go take my test to get my permit.
I dont' want to drive.
It scares me.
Ahh well.
It's also Enkai's B-Day Party on the 30th!
I can't wait to go.
She's planning a huge movie night and it will be awesome!

Now, for the rant:
My AP Geography teacher gave us a test today on homework that isn't due until /tomorrow/!
Half of the class had no idea what the test was on!
And then she does on lecturing us on how we need to prioritize our time better and study at least an hour and a half every night just for this class alone!
I mean WTF!?
She acts like we live for her class and we have noting better to do!
She's mad at us because we don't have our reading done, and our reading isn't even due until tomorrow!
Isn't that just stupid!?
Okay, I'm done now...

Today was a bad day.
I think I might skip Art Club tomorrow.

~Nove saying...
If I had an actual tail attached to my body right now, I'd be wagging like crazy!

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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Yup. I've had it...

Well, I still have tons of homework to do.
I have to type up like, 3 outlines for Biology, I need to type up a paragraph on what the U.N. should consider when creating policies to correct poverty and why for AP Human Geography.
And, of course, no homework session is complete without it, geometry homework.
And, on top of that, I still have two more tests to take tomorrow for the state.
I really need to quite procrastinating.

I got my phone taken away today!
Okay, so between each test we take, we get a ten minute break.
So I'm standing in the hallway with Kokutan and Willi and Willi said that she wanted to show me something.
So I pull out my phone, and just like three seconds after she starts showing me, my first period Geography teacher walks up behind Willi and takes both of our phones!
She said that we could get them back after school from our principal.
And so we went to see him after all of our classes were out.
But nuuuu!
He was in a meeting!
And I had to leave and couldn't wait, so I asked Willi to get my phone for me.
[[Thank you Willi!!! I'm sorrys!!!]]
But no.
He was too busy to see anybody after the meeting got out.
So then Willi's boyfriend got the Assistant Principal, and he lectures her about something for the test, and not having phones, and what-not.
But she couldn't get my phone for me.
I have to go get lectured, too.
He won't let me have it until I get "a stern talking to."
Ahh, I /really/ hate the AP.
Even the kids that seem to like him hate his guts!
Sorrys about my rant.
I'm just really stressed out and pissed off...

On a happier note, I got my picture of Charla colored, so I'll but able to give it too her this weekend!

~Nove saying...
I miss Daddy... ;^;

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Sunday, March 11, 2007

My Week

I haven't posted in a while, and I'm sorrys.
Actually, I shouldn't even be posting right now.
I have tons of homework to do, and I need to clean my room still.

Anyway, I took Kokutan's ticket to see Hello Dolly.
Thank you Kokutan, and I'm sorrys!!!
It was really funny.
Although, Urine Town was waaaay better.

I'm cold.
I need to go find some socks.

I have RO up and running!
If I finish my homework, I think I'm going to level up so that I can become an acolyte and then help Kokutan get what she wants to be.

CSAP stinks.
/And/ we still have to go to all of our classes after testing is done for the day, and I don't think I have ever had this much homework all at once before!
I have like, 3 essays due tomorrow, and I have to type up my stupid notes for science.
What's the point of that!?
I think they are trying to kill us.
I really do.

My friend Charla on Gaia wanted me to daw avi art for her, so I am.
It sucks, but at the same time, I /kinda/ like it.
Not really, though.
It's... not horrible, but it's still pretty bad.
I'm going to scan it so that I can have one copy to color on.
That way, if I color it and it looks like crap, I can just give her the non-colored copy.

I really should go find some socks...

~Nove saying...
Happy Birthday, Mother! -huggles-

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Saturday, March 3, 2007

Wow. 3 days...

I haven't even touched Gaia in three days.
I'm amazed at myself.
And I lied.
I didn't re-post after P/T Conferences.
Sorrys about that.

Last night I went to see Kijotora's musical!
It was great!
Everyone did a wonderful job.

I have to find a study buddy for my AP Geography class, and I have to meet up with one of the people some time this weekend.
It really stinks because yesterday I had the musical to go to, and I wasn't about to not go after my friend went through all of the trouble to get tickets.
And today I have to clean house and my Daddy just called.
I need to talk with him about my sister's bithday gift, which we are going shopipng for.
Which leads into tomorrow.
It's my sister's 18th birthday.
Of course I'm not about to leave her on her 18th birthday.
And only like 1 of her friends will be able to come, too, so I don't want to make her feel unloved.
[[She has downsyndrome, and for those that don't know what it is, it's a mental disability.]]
Oh Monday is going to suck!

~Nove saying...
Kokutan, I have [[x]] for you. :3 xD

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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

w00t for Libraries!

I'm at the new library!
But, I have only 2.30 minutes left, so I will have to go now.
I'll post again after Parent/Teacher conferences!
Bye for now!

~Nove saying...
I is are Grease Ninja! I throw greasy paper at j00! -throws paper-

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Tuesday, February 27, 2007


I'm really hyper.
I dunno why.
I really should start my homework.
But I dun wanna.
Don't you just love my horrible grammer?

Kokutan, you said that you wanted to play RO too, but you can't pay for it, right?
I can get you set up for free.
There are tons of free servers out there.
Want the link to the one I'm going to join?
Also, about the rally... we're ditching.

For those of you the think that ditching a rally is a bad thing: it's not.
It saves us from horrible headache, major embarrassment, and we don't have to hear, "It's a great day to be a Panther!" 400 times in one hour.

Anyway, I want to do a mini poll I guess.
For anyone that reads this, do you think that the otaku population is growing, or that the anime n00b population is growing?
Also, how do you define "otaku"?
I am curious as to what your answers will be, if anyone does decide to answer...

~Nove saying...
Fangirl: noun. Known to rave, squee, moan, wibble, faint, perv, *die* repeatedly, post all night, waste time, collect tons of pics, and say "omfguh!"
See also: so going to hell
[[Tha'ts my icon on MSN. Just thought I'd share that. xD]]

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There is no Art Club this week, and that makes me sad.
And parent teacher conferences are tomorrow and Thursday, and there is a CSAP [[My state's standerdized test]] ralley on Thursday as well.
I don't know if I want to ditch it or not, because they wil be giving out prizes.
The prizes are most likely T-shirts, and I'm mad because them promised us iPods and whatnot.

~Nove saying...
Homework Kills.

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